1. any chances of qualifying today?
  2. Some great entertainment by the teams.. but no running on track.
  3. I can't believe I spent about 2 hours looking at the pouring rain, haha. but, yeah, there were some highlights
  4. Absolutely treacherous conditions in Austin. It will be an interesting race...
  5. Q3 has been cancelled. Rosberg on pole!
  6. hahahahaha... poor, Rosberg...
    what a terrible loser
  7. Nah, fair play to him. It probably should have been logical of Hamilton not to do that, as it's quite a low blow - regardless of how he even gave a hat to Vettel. Just throwing a hat mindlessly like that shows arrogance.
  8. Nico is disappointed by the hat. He was expecting the cowboy hats.

    But seriously, I kind of feel sorry for Nico, I doubt he'll ever win a championship.
  9. I would split Rosberg and Hamilton up, in all honesty. It is probably going to come to blows next year.
  10. Originally posted by Welsh_Edge:Nico is disappointed by the hat. He was expecting the cowboy hats.

    But seriously, I kind of feel sorry for Nico, I doubt he'll ever win a championship.
    I hope he never win!

    if it does happen... I'm done with F1
  11. I feel Drivers Championships that are won with massive points differences seem... rather hollow. The last season that I really enjoyed was 2012. The championship going down to the wire in Interlagos. Not to mention the 7 different winners at the start of the season. I loved 2012. Although I believe that domination by one team isn't good for the sport, I have to applaud Mercedes for what they've done over the last two seasons.