1. By the way, Rob, I'm so sorry about your nephew...
    (Even though I'll have to admit that the Highway To Hell moment is ironic)

    Give this topic a chance, you will find yourselves lost in your own thoughts for half an hour, that's always nice
  2. A song for my funeral...humm, I would have to go with A Sort of Homecoming, not only because It's my favourite song for any ocasion but because of the last few verses: "Don't sorrow, don't weep, for tonight at last, I am coming home" Always felt inspired by those lyrics, I think it would be perfect
  3. Originally posted by Maclove:A song for my funeral...humm, I would have to go with A Sort of Homecoming, not only because It's my favourite song for any ocasion but because of the last few verses: "Don't sorrow, don't weep, for tonight at last, I am coming home" Always felt inspired by those lyrics, I think it would be perfect
    I had thought of ASOH too, but I never liked the album version as much as the acoustic versions... But obviously I wouldn't like the songs to have audience noise at my funeral... So I guess that I would have to request U2 to perform themselves there
  4. Originally posted by LikeASong:[..]I had thought of ASOH too, but I never liked the album version as much as the acoustic versions... But obviously I wouldn't like the songs to have audience noise at my funeral... So I guess that I would have to request U2 to perform themselves there

    Well that would be something

    U2 only performed ASOH on UF tour and JT tour right? Such a pity, they recicled TUF and yet still no ASOH for us

    Wake Up Dead Man would be an odd choice too for a funeral, but somehow that song is kind of inspiring and smooth...
  5. Originally posted by Maclove:[..]

    Well that would be something

    U2 only performed ASOH on UF tour and JT tour right? Such a pity, they recicled TUF and yet still no ASOH for us

    It was also played on Elevation at one of the Slane shows, I think...but Bono had trouble with it or something.

    Any of these would be great for a funeral - and they will be played loud.

  6. For me it will be Van Diemen´s Land or MLK.
    Or Stairway to Heaven like my father...
  7. I'm having Bad for my funeral!
  8. I had thought of Bad too, but... I don't know, it's not that appropiate since, in a funeral, the passed-away person is really passed away, so hearing "I'm wide awake, I'm wide awake, I'm wide awaaake...I'm not sleeping" wouldn't be so funny to the people who stayed behind, huh?
  9. Now THAT is something really great. The best song ever composed... It will be played on my funeral too, without any doubt. In fact, I've always considered Stairway To Heaven as a metaphor of the life itself, beggining softly and innocently, then going slowly to bigger and bigger emotions, then the mesmerizing solo and then...... that soft voice saying goodbye.
  10. Originally posted by LikeASong:[..]I had thought of Bad too, but... I don't know, it's not that appropiate since, in a funeral, the passed-away person is really passed away, so hearing "I'm wide awake, I'm wide awake, I'm wide awaaake...I'm not sleeping" wouldn't be so funny to the people who stayed behind, huh?

    dude i think its 100% appropiate for a Christian funeral...
  11. Maybe my opinion has to do with the fact I'm not a devoted christian at all Anyway, despite the beliefs that one can have or not, hearing that verses wouldn't help. Just my two cents of course.