1. I get a strong impression people here don't like me/have something against me/hate me. I've had these thoughts for practically forever now, I just never actually said anything because I thought it was stupid. But when someone asks for the truth, it's not stupidity at all. Sure one can argue, "you can't handle the truth," and such, but I don't think that should apply here. I don't mind hearing the truth. I actually rather hear it for myself than speculate about everything.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. Eh?
  3. Yeah I never really liked you....

    lol jk man.
  4. You smoking?
  5. Is this another joke thread?
  6. ya steve...i was kinda under the impression you were one of our faves? at least those of us who have been around for awhile.
  7. Dude...maybe time to cut back on the cones?
  8. Lol!
  9. Steve,

    We've handled Bitching and now you're getting paranoid. As in the real world, there are people who might not like you. And there are people who will like you. They can't all like you, so just be yourself and that's it.

    And for the sake of personality: I have nothing against you.