1. Hope that was a joke, U2 isn't U2 without Bono. No matter how much his voice has changed, or how political or whatever he is now, U2 still isn't U2 without Bono.
  2. Originally posted by germcevoy:last time a U2 related incident gave me goosebumps was back when Zane Lowe played the whole of MOS on the radio prior to the album release. U2 should seriously tour without Bono.

  3. Yeah, I was sort of thinking the same Sergio...but we'll never really know.

  4. I sadly agree...

  5. different. but wouldnt want to watch an entire u2 gig without bono. alsno not without edge, larry or adam.
  6. Originally posted by dieder:[..]

    different. but wouldnt want to watch an entire u2 gig without bono. alsno not without edge, larry or adam.

    +1. Streets is Edge's song, but again, U2 isn't U2 without Bonzo.
  7. We cant complain. Looking back to the 360 tour, his voice has been more than good. Plus he brings something extra.

    Of course we grow tired of it, but pancakes everyday will too. We should shut down the show section for a week and we'll all go nuts.
  8. He's been going now for 30 years, of course his voice is going to get bad. But people still go and see U2 in concert so it can't be that bad.
  9. Couldnt care less about the first 10 years of his voice. He was on fire after that, he has his good and bad periods though.

    But that is way offtopic, I think some of us are just a bit worn out on U2. But that is to be expected.