1. Originally posted by SisterTheMoon:[..]

    Hey. What part of Sweden are you from? I've been to Sweden and found it to be breathtaking. Even in the Laplands.
    People were so friendly and I swear, every place I visited always had a fresh pot of awsome coffee and a plate of cookies!

    Hi there
    I live outside Gothenburg, the west side of Sweden. How nice that you've been here
    (We swedes love out coffe and cookies, we have a name for that, a little like the brittish teatime)
  2. Originally posted by alexxthefool:[..]

    Hi there
    I live outside Gothenburg, the west side of Sweden. How nice that you've been here
    (We swedes love out coffe and cookies, we have a name for that, a little like the brittish teatime)

    Forgive me but I'll have to go look at my globe as my Sverige wall map doesn't show Gothenburg. You swedes certainly do love coffee. And your sweets-but some of the most heavenly cookies I've ever had. Quite equal to the ones my grandmother baked from scratch.
    Of hand I can recal visiting Stockholm, Jampland, Dalarna and Vasterbotten. All beautiful.
    What is the name for this "teatime"? I'm afraid I can only remember a few swedish terms (please don't count spelling): Tak, Varshagood, Takasumeckay...Think tha't about it.
  3. Originally posted by SisterTheMoon:[..]

    Forgive me but I'll have to go look at my globe as my Sverige wall map doesn't show Gothenburg. You swedes certainly do love coffee. And your sweets-but some of the most heavenly cookies I've ever had. Quite equal to the ones my grandmother baked from scratch.
    Of hand I can recal visiting Stockholm, Jampland, Dalarna and Vasterbotten. All beautiful.
    What is the name for this "teatime"? I'm afraid I can only remember a few swedish terms (please don't count spelling): Tak, Varshagood, Takasumeckay...Think tha't about it.

    Gothenburg is out second biggest city On the westcoast of Sweden, the opposite of Stockholm, our capital
    And the swedish word för "teatime" is fika. My myself don't like coffe, but many of my friend does
    The spelling is wrong but I understand what you mean
  4. Originally posted by alexxthefool:[..]

    Gothenburg is out second biggest city On the westcoast of Sweden, the opposite of Stockholm, our capital
    And the swedish word för "teatime" is fika. My myself don't like coffe, but many of my friend does
    The spelling is wrong but I understand what you mean

    Fika! Okay. I can't say I heard this word but I'm sure I did at some point and just forgot. The age thing you know. I'm pushing 40 and the first thing to go is memory!
    My first meal in Sweden was very interesting. It was at a golf course and it was pasta. Yes. Past. It was very good and to my surprise it had corn (yes, corn) in it.
    We went to one of the many summer festivals and they had these vats/barrels of...stuff. Smelled nasty (no offense). I'll have to look up in my travel journal o see what it was. I also will have to check my travel diary to see if we passed through Gothenburg. Will get back to you on that.
    One thing I remember that just floored me was walking past a drivers education building. There was a car, hood open and what appeared to be diagrams of the cars componets. I was so surprised that in order to drive, one had to KNOW the ins and outs of a vehicle in order to drive. I was also very impressed with everyone I met. Very intelligent. In fact, more knowledgable than most here in the States about our (the US's) government and our politics. Quite sad actually. Personally, I think people have the wrong idea of socialism. It's too bad Americans can't seem to recognize the opportunities this can afford to the whole populace. I realize my stating this may trigger some..not so nice comments but it's the truth. Yes, I realize every system has quirks here and there that need to be..tweeked, but I do think thinking about the grand picture-the long term thinking, certainly outweighs the short term thinking we have in this country.
    WHEW. Okay, done with that. My rant for the day.
    I'll be quiet-at least for now.
  5. So sad that Chicago didn't get the 2016 Olympics.

  6. Maybe so, but you have to be happy for Rio. The first time in South America. As an American, I'm sad for Chicago, but I say go Rio.

  7. Ya slightly disappointing...interesting that Chicago didn't even come close. Gotta be happy for Rio to. If the South Americans go as crazy for the olympics as they do for a u2 concert it will be wild in 2016 Wonder how Aidan is feeling right now
  8. Originally posted by SisterTheMoon:[..]

    Fika! Okay. I can't say I heard this word but I'm sure I did at some point and just forgot. The age thing you know. I'm pushing 40 and the first thing to go is memory!
    My first meal in Sweden was very interesting. It was at a golf course and it was pasta. Yes. Past. It was very good and to my surprise it had corn (yes, corn) in it.
    We went to one of the many summer festivals and they had these vats/barrels of...stuff. Smelled nasty (no offense). I'll have to look up in my travel journal o see what it was. I also will have to check my travel diary to see if we passed through Gothenburg. Will get back to you on that.
    One thing I remember that just floored me was walking past a drivers education building. There was a car, hood open and what appeared to be diagrams of the cars componets. I was so surprised that in order to drive, one had to KNOW the ins and outs of a vehicle in order to drive. I was also very impressed with everyone I met. Very intelligent. In fact, more knowledgable than most here in the States about our (the US's) government and our politics. Quite sad actually. Personally, I think people have the wrong idea of socialism. It's too bad Americans can't seem to recognize the opportunities this can afford to the whole populace. I realize my stating this may trigger some..not so nice comments but it's the truth. Yes, I realize every system has quirks here and there that need to be..tweeked, but I do think thinking about the grand picture-the long term thinking, certainly outweighs the short term thinking we have in this country.
    WHEW. Okay, done with that. My rant for the day.
    I'll be quiet-at least for now.

    I can't really figure out what kind of food you are talking about, but tell me more if you can read what name it has in english or swedish I can think of quite many things that smell nasty, hahah
    I don't have a licens so I don't really know how they do to get that for a car. But as far as I understand the teacher often have a short course of the inside of the car before the lessons starts so the pupil know what does what. But most people have already testdrived a car with their parents before the start taking lessons.
    And when it comes to politics, I think that the laters years it has become more and more an intrest for younger swedes. Before I don't think that many youngers were intrested but that have changed. Me myself doesn't reallt care but I keep track of the news and know quite well were I stand even if I don't talk about it or is that intrested.
  9. I've been backing this thing for 3 years so its a sad day for me. When Bono came to Chicago, he said to the news camera "we back the bid!" So I blame it on him

    Its nice to see a South American city get the bid, but on the other hand, Brazil is hosting the 2014 World Cup. I see that as kind of unfair...Two world events in 2 years.
  10. Does anyone know where I can find a mp3 of Automatic Baby's performance on January 20,1993(Michael Stipe, Jeff Buck, Adam Clayton, Larry Mullen Jr.) Also does anyone know if Sting and U2 played 2gether?
    Many Thanks!
  11. God, I'm exhausted... For one and a half hour I've been tinkering in Adobe Illustrator, making a picture of Paul McCartney. And now I'm finally done! *dies*

    Anywhoooo... Anyone around here?