1. Ok
    It was a long time I saw that acctualy. And I remeber the first one the best. But I've already made my top ten and Kill Bill is not on it
  2. Originally posted by alexxthefool:[..]

    It was a long time I saw that acctualy. And I remeber the first one the best. But I've already made my top ten and Kill Bill is not on it

    Haha, I see
    So, what is your top ten then?

  3. 1. Bram Stoker’s Dracula
    2. Interview With a Vampire
    3. Silence of the Lambs
    4. JFK
    5. L.A Confidential
    6. Blade Runner
    7. Thelma & Louise
    8. Red Dragon
    9. A Perfect Murder
    10. Psycho (1960)

    I did this when I had lessons in movies history and so on
  4. Originally posted by alexxthefool:[..]

    1. Bram Stoker’s Dracula
    2. Interview With a Vampire
    3. Silence of the Lambs
    4. JFK
    5. L.A Confidential
    6. Blade Runner I LOVE THAT MOVIE!
    7. Thelma & Louise YES!
    8. Red Dragon
    9. A Perfect Murder
    10. Psycho (1960)

    I did this when I had lessons in movies history and so on

  5. Bladerunner made me realize Harrison Ford kicks ass

  6. Star Wars made me realize the same

    But I'm going to try to get some sleep now. Wish me luck!
  7. oops, gotta go eat dinner. brb
  8. anyone?

  9. Hey. What part of Sweden are you from? I've been to Sweden and found it to be breathtaking. Even in the Laplands.
    People were so friendly and I swear, every place I visited always had a fresh pot of awsome coffee and a plate of cookies!