1. i would like to buy one, anymore available?
  2. Hi

    the dvd9 version is no different in quality...the original encoding was too high (way above the footage quality!)...both contain 2 audio mixes.
    two have been sent out to one member here(see above david`s review)..and there is no difference.

    for anyone that has limited connection speed i will list the dvd once more for 7 days...this is the last time i will list it...if you are convinced that you must have the dvd9 version then please on purchase state you name via a ebay message and i`ll send it to you.

    last time purchase is here>

    hopefully if you wait a few days then both version will be online...if you dont want to wait then use the link above.


  3. just bought one thanks
  4. Not to sound like a party popper, but where's the sense in putting together youtube vids from several shows synched to audio of another show, when we have great 1cam/multicam DVDs sourced from the original tapes for every show?

    There isn't.

    What about the snippets from Sheffield? So we see Bono singing in Milan and Berlin with Sheffield-audio? I'm with Yeah on this one. Thanks for all the effort though, others will surely appreciate it.

    Bono knows where you park your car.....

    hopefully if you wait a few days then both version will be online...if you dont want to wait then use the link above.


    The tapers of each and every show, whether it be video, audio etc upload the DVDs, free of charge and it uses original audio and video.
  5. You dont really pay for it, just the cost of the dvd, print and mailing costs.What is 2GBP in euro's anyway

    Anyway he gives his ok to share it for free. So why so harsh?
  6. Originally posted by Risto:You dont really pay for it, just the cost of the dvd, print and mailing costs. Anyway he gives his ok to share it for free. So why so harsh?

    What is 2GBP in euro's anyway

    Not the point. I thought you don't charge for bootlegs...it had better be for mailing and print only, otherwise that's ridiculous.

    It's time to start charging for my burning of bootlegs, and for the rest of the U2 trading community as well.

    2.1 euros and $3.70 Australian dollars.
  7. Originally posted by drewhiggins:[..]

    Not the point. I thought you don't charge for bootlegs...it had better be for mailing and print only, otherwise that's ridiculous.

    It's time to start charging for my burning of bootlegs, and for the rest of the U2 trading community as well.

    2.1 euros and $3.70 Australian dollars.

    I agree it would look 'better' when you trade dvd for dvd. But at the moment this is faster. Anyway he was just selling 10 to get it spread on here and on u2torrents. Then others wanted to buy one as well so he added some more on ebay.

    Dont worry though, i will make sure it will be available for everyone on rapidshare.com.
  8. Originally posted by Risto:[..]

    I agree it would look 'better' when you trade dvd for dvd. But at the moment this is faster. Anyway he was just selling 10 to get it spread on here and on u2torrents. Then others wanted to buy one as well so he added some more on ebay.

    Dont worry though, i will make sure it will be available for everyone on rapidshare.com.

    I know it is a lot of hard work to re-sync audio to video. Just why it was needed is another question for another topic on another day; but if it appeals to you then good and if you want to buy it then that's your choice - as long as it's available to everyone, and it's known, openly that they can either download it or buy it...I'd like to see a note of that on the eBay site, if it is indeed allowed and not being seen as advertising.

    One thing I hope doesn't happen is bootlegged videos like this doesn't lead to hundreds of remasters, re-issues, re-releases, reboots etc on eBay. Getting hundreds of supposed radio 'remasters' (how you remaster an originally 128 - 160Kbps lossy source is beyond me as evdent from Mercy) as the number of bootlegs here and u2torrents and the hub for an already-soundboard and very good broadcast on all of those stations was bad enough.

    But I'll say this...good on you for having a go and it gets you recognised in the community for doing something different. Have u2torrents allowed this yet?
  9. Originally posted by drewhiggins:[..]

    I know it is a lot of hard work to re-sync audio to video. Just why it was needed is another question for another topic on another day; but if it appeals to you then good and if you want to buy it then that's your choice - as long as it's available to everyone, and it's known, openly that they can either download it or buy it...I'd like to see a note of that on the eBay site, if it is indeed allowed and not being seen as advertising.

    One thing I hope doesn't happen is bootlegged videos like this doesn't lead to hundreds of remasters, re-issues, re-releases, reboots etc on eBay. Getting hundreds of supposed radio 'remasters' (how you remaster an originally 128 - 160Kbps lossy source is beyond me as evdent from Mercy) as the number of bootlegs here and u2torrents and the hub for an already-soundboard and very good broadcast on all of those stations was bad enough.

    But I'll say this...good on you for having a go and it gets you recognised in the community for doing something different. Have u2torrents allowed this yet?


  10. Not bad.
  11. Hi

    seems to be some confusion here!....

    as you are all aware the only good audio was from the sheffield concert...i downloaded this and thought ...its a shame this audio is not used as the others used cam mics for audio...and you get someone singing, or the audio is simply not that good, ....then i thought i`ll make the sheffield concert..on searching for footage i found that alot of don valley images were not that good!...so i was limited in what i could edit...so i then downloaded some other footage from H/D sources, far better image quality that what was on offer from sheffield...then on placing them on the timeline i found that it was pretty easy to re-sync the footage as the band had to keep it tight due to pre-production of the video images in the live show..(unknown caller being a good example)...so i then set about getting as many high quality clips as possible..around 70-80gig of footage!!!!...it was then a case of re-editing the footage to the audio track.
    whilst some do not like this technique it does enable you to view the concert with decent audio...and it is a technique that most bands use in the final dvd...using footage to cover mistakes from the night is old practice when making an official dvd....albiet they will use `cuts that do not show any continuity errors`...i did not have this option, i only had what footage i could find...this makes the job not only harder to edit but also takes alot of time...(around 250 hours).

    the purpose of this edit was to give members a good dvd of the european leg of the 360 tour...the sound being as important as the images.

    just in case people are worried about costs....its £2.00 guys!!!....postage/dvd/box/packaging comes to around £1.77.....so if you think i`ll get rich on 23p then think again!...all the time for dvd copies, work with editing has all been done for free!...as it should be....but i`m not going to pay postage fee`s for everyone...and as i`ve said before my upload speeds are crap, waiting 6days to upload means my pc is tied up for that period of time...that is money lost elsewhere.....i dont mind working for nothing, but i cant have nothing costing me time on other projects that need work!

    by all means share it, copy it, re-edit it, do as you please...and if someone wants to send it to other members free then go ahead...fleabay is only used as a link for members here.

  12. You make some good points there. It is a lot of work and had I thought before going off, I would have thought differently and given different but better advice.

    I didn't mean to be offensive but now I read that post above I see the hard work (and several reasons for resync of the sources used) I think differently. But it is always good to recieve constructive criticism and positive feedback so the next one can be even better. I also watched the YT preview and it looks good and works better than I thought.

    About eBay and costs, it is only because for a hell of a lot lesser work, audio recordings are exhorbitant prices...anywhere up to $30 and where does that profit go? In the seller's pocket. It does not cost $30 for what they do! But your public and noted stance on free sharing makes me feel better. At least you aren't benefiting much, if at all on those costs. Just on eBay as a note of interest let them know it is a bootleg and what the cost is actually for and something like what you posted above.

    Good luck on your future projects! Hope to see more work like this of its calibre in future. And a late, but just as warm welcome to the website.