1. Happy birthday to ustart!! Best U2 site ever!!!

    I heard something about Bono and Edge singing happy birthday with Remy and the guys at the first gig in Dublin...

    Only world that comes to my mind now is: THANK YOU

    Thanks to the crew, friends and users and specially thank you Remy

    Greetings from Brazil
  2. I don't even have words... thank you so much!

    U2Start shares a b-day with me!!!!!!

  3. Hell yeah

    Congratulations and happy b-day friend!

    All the happiness and U2

    Greetings from Brazil
  4. tip of my hat

    u2 for me will always be their live stuff

    i kept thinking this is all too good too be true when i found this site
    little did i know the work involved.

    thanks to the entire crew
    all the best,

  5. Happy birthday u2start

  6. Happy Birthday U2start and Nick???

    and congrats to Casper on joining the crew
  7. Happy Birthday! I just joined and already I love this place

    You guys are doing a great job and thanks for all your hard work
  8. Great way to celebrate U2starts bday there Remy, Gerard and Jeremy, have fun, wish i could be there.
  9. Happy Birthday U2start!

    (3 years... you've gotten so big already.)

    Thanks to everyone (esp. Remy, LikeASong, Risto, Asso, etc.) who put the work in & supplied many of the boots!

    This one's a game-changer.

    I don't know another place quite like this - not even nancies.org for DMB.
  10. Happy birthday U2start

    A great community of the greatest band in the world!!! there`s no more to ask, jaja

    thank you so much Remy for the effort you made 3 years ago, and to the other members for make the U2Start one of my favourite sites on the net...

    a big hug for everyone... greetings from Mexico...

  11. Aw, thanks man!

    I actually need to re-do my celebration message. My last one was done in only a minute lol.

    First, to Remy. My God, you are a modern saint. You have brought fans together and have given plentiful gifts. Plus, it comes out of your own pocket to continue. Without you, none of this.... would be possible.

    Second, to the fantastic crew. The U2Start crew is the finest group of individuals that I have ever seen run a website. You put up with frivolous topics, spam and rudeness. Yet, you continue to keep this site running extremely well. So, to Nate, Sergio, Gerard, Jeremy, Dan, Chris and now Casper: I'm pretty sure that is all of you... if I missed anybody, slap me.

    U2Start has brought me close to many fans. However, one in particular more than the others. Steve (stj0691) who I talk on the phone to daily, if not, we spend at least a half an hour a day talking on AIM. Steve is one of my closest friends, without U2Start we would have never met each other. We hope to meet in person in Foxboro during the U2 shows, if not at a Coldplay show in Mansfield. Thank you U2Start!

    My other close U2Start friends are Nate (easports43), Mark (markp91), Juraj (yuri31) and Ale (Ale91). We've shared personal stories and can trust each other. Thank you U2Start for connecting me to these great great people.

    One other really close friend on here that I have is Katie (katherine94). We have shared very deep stories and feelings. She lets me be myself and express views that she sometimes disagrees with and vice versa. She brings out the "gay me," as well lol. Thank you U2Start!

    There are also other members as well which have made my U2Start experience memorable as well. I won't try to name them all, because I will definitely mess up and forget a lot of names lol. They know who they are, and once again, thank you U2Start.

  12. five thousand registrations in a month is nuts. Still enjoying the place