1. well....
    gotta go...
    see you all later!!
  2. Originally posted by JohnnyVOXXwell....
    gotta go...
    see you all later!!

    Laters mate, sorry I didn't chat more - got distracted

  3. who's around?
  4. Anyone home? I should really be in bed but...
  5. Originally posted by zooeyAnyone home? I should really be in bed but...

    you still around, stranger?!
  6. *pounce* Hey!!!!! Long time no chat! How's home?
  7. Originally posted by zooey*pounce* Hey!!!!! Long time no chat! How's home?

    haha...it's good. it's a little surreal. part of me feels like i should be heading back to the hospital any minute now, but it's not going to happen. I have to take care of myself now.

    how's the last few days of your summer break?
  8. I feel like I should be counting the hours - go back in exactly one week. All my teacher friends and I are frantically trying to have as much of a social life as possible in the next 7 days!
  9. Originally posted by zooeyI feel like I should be counting the hours - go back in exactly one week. All my teacher friends and I are frantically trying to have as much of a social life as possible in the next 7 days!

    that can't be easy. but you had a full summer right? I mean, you got a lot done?

    (sorry that took so long, i had to hobble over to the kitchen to get an icepack)
  10. AW! Hope you had one. Or a bag of frozen peas!
    Yeah, I got a lot of relaxing and visiting and whatnot done but I'm looking at my list of 'If you were a good girl you'd get this stuff done' and not much has been crossed off. *shrug*

    My kids are starting to email me, excited about the new year though so that's good.

    What's on your plate now? Where do you go from here, so to speak? I can imagine life was sort of on hold for the last 8 weeks.
  11. Originally posted by zooeyAW! Hope you had one. Or a bag of frozen peas!
    Yeah, I got a lot of relaxing and visiting and whatnot done but I'm looking at my list of 'If you were a good girl you'd get this stuff done' and not much has been crossed off. *shrug*

    My kids are starting to email me, excited about the new year though so that's good.

    What's on your plate now? Where do you go from here, so to speak? I can imagine life was sort of on hold for the last 8 weeks.

    Remind me what grade level you teach? Middle school? High school? I'm 99% sure it wasn't elementary, but forgive me, because I've forgotten. It seems weird to me that students and teachers email back and forth now, but I guess that's technology these days. Crazy to think how far we've come in the past 15 years.....

    Life for me in the last 2 months was definitely on hold. I had just started a new job about a week and a half before my injury. Fortunately, they have been incredibly gracious in working with me and concerned for my recovery. My job is still being held open for me there, and I'm anxious to get back to that....once I'm ready. My mom has been here in CA (from Minnesota) since the day after this all happened and will stay for another week and a half. I'm supposed to get "home health" where a physical therapist and occupational therapist will come to my apartment and work with me here, but I'm really anxious for the next step after that, which will be out-patient physical therapy (much like the setting I was in for the last six weeks.)

    wow, i wrote a lot.
  12. I was wondering about your job (but I didn't want to say anything incase it was a sore subject).. Glad to hear they're being cool

    Yeah, I teach High school. I got a facebook page at the request of some alums and now all my kids contact me that way - weird I know.

    Did you get a chance to hear any of the re-releases yet?