1. I'm not usually a fan of solo work, but I really like Brandon's voice.
  2. After some minutes trying to find what the synth melody reminds me of, finally put my finger on it: Peter Gabriel's Solsbury Hill!
  3. yeh that's the kinda vibe i got too, really looking forward to this album now.
  4. Ayyyyyyyy.

    Also, does this song have a chorus? It sort of has this feeling of "oh it's about to take off" but never really does. It's kinda weird. Not that every song needs a chorus, but I dunno. Don't mind the sound of it, but to me it needs structure.
  5. 100% with you here.

    I'm getting more and more excited with this album.
  6. His album has leaked.
  7. Sucks that it leaked, but I'm going to wait for the official release to buy it. The songs that have been released so far have been great and I'm no longer a dirt poor student, so I think it'll be worth the investment.
  8. i'm not sure it "leaked" as such, Brandon posted a video message this morning saying it would be uploaded to iTunes to stream for a week before it's release.

    but yeah, i've preordered it and don't wanna spoil the surprise for myself so i'm gonna have willpower of steel and hold off listening 'til it's physically in my hands.
  9. With all the U2 hype i forgot that this came out today, listening to it now.