1. Originally posted by jmushouse:With the news out of Dublin today with "Summer Nights" supposedly recording, do we know how long ago those yacht pictures were taken... if Bono is still in the Mediterranean I guess the article would be right about a new band filming there, even if the band are un-Googleable.

    The yatch pics are from last Saturday according to Renzo Rosso:

    It's still possible that Bono was there on Saturday, flew back home and was at the Samuel Beckett Bridge yesterday afternoon

  2. He nominated Bono! Drogba did the same thing...
  3. Chris Martin nominated him too.
  4. I nominate them to finish the album.
  5. Is Josh mates with Bono or he just wants him to do it..?
  6. Wasn't particularly funny in the first place, Bono just deserves a bucket of ice on his head.
  7. It ain't meant to be funny in the first place. In fact, it has denatured from its original purpose (either you gave money OR you got a bucket of iced water). And Bono will surely donate either way, so his challenge would be more like this:

  8. Like a sir!
  9. Well no, it's meant to be a sort of get-out clause to avoid donating. And donating is the 'punishment' for not taking the challenge. Since most celebrities claim to have donated anyway, it's just a tool for them to say "look at me". Most of the people I know that have done it and don't have the financial strength of a celebrity have donated too, so you could argue that it has denatured from the original purpose, but it's for the better. The money gets donated and some fool gets wet.