1. I think Bono paid someone to put a remote control on his car...
  2. Another image of his little walk.

  3. Only Bono could be in two place at the same time

  4. well this is no ordinary man

  5. Oh I know

    RT @lancearmstrong: 5hr lunch w/ Bono. His back's on the mend. My form's on the rise. Lots of talk of Africa & Cancer & where the 2 meet....

    From @u2's Twitter
  6. Bono in Eze with Friends Today !

  7. His hair is growing long again!
  8. He doesn't look much happy but anyway, good to see him anyway

    PS. Bastard. I want that beach under my house.
  9. Yeah cool pics

  10. No way, his long hair had its time until 1993, it hasn't been good since.