1. Maybe it's something to do with these:

    * Who was Mercy, Original of the Species and Ultra Violet related to?
    * Someone related to a U2 member is diabetic or was on a diet in 2004.
    * Bono went shopping at his local convenience store and couldn't find any sugar for his coffee.
    * A bowl of sugar was stolen along with the HTDAAB CD from that function they were at.
    * Larry couldn't make up his mind between brown and white sugar for his coffee.

    If you ever read the Did You Know quotes on the U2start homepage, it says during the Achtung Baby recording sessions, Bono used to let his frustration with mistakes be known and as a result, is banned from drinking coffee. Now, if like myself, he enjoys sugar with his coffee and everything else you can put it on, he misses sugar - because I know if I can't put four tablespoons of sugar in everything and I was a successful recording artist, I'd Miss You Sugar, as well.

    Although I did like this theory (very technical but amazing):

    "Miss You Sugar" is obviously an encrypted code. If you take the numeric value of each letter in "Miss You Sugar", you will come up with "13,9,19,19(miss) 25,15,21(you) 19,21,7,1,18(sugar)". Now that we have it in numeric form, we can uncover the true meaning of this encryption. Since "Miss You" is the action part of the statement and "Sugar" is the descriptive part, it only makes logical sense to divide the numeric values of "miss you" into "sugar". If you do that, you come up with the important number of "72,431". If we then take this number further and divide it by the total amount of letters(12) we get the very special number of "6036". Why is this number special you ask? Well this just happens to be the exact age of the oldest human relic excavated in ancient Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia also just happens to be modern-day Iraq and the location of the ancient garden of Eden!!!! What U2 is trying to say here is that they miss the sweet ancient sugar that was available in the Garden of Eden. They dislike the current war in Iraq and want everyone to miss the sweet sugar of the garden that once existed in that war-torn region of the middle east.

    I think we all could learn something from this; Earth could be a splendid place. It could be like the Garden of Eden was, without violence and sin. All we need is to want and miss it!

    I noticed this too - Matrix A releases must have the message where Matrix B releases don't.

    Canadian Matrix A: L387 0249867829 MISS YOU SUGAR #41005Y14
    Canadian Matrix B: L387 02498681802 Made in Canada #41001Y09

    USA Matrix A: B00 036 1302R2 01% MISS YOU SUGAR
    USA Matrix B: INTR112369RE1 DIN

    UK Matrix A: MISS YOU SUGAR 06024 986 782-8 01 * 51529648
    UK Matrix B: 06024 986 817-4 50 01 * 51525089
  2. sorry wrong post
  3. maibe bono missed his suger DADDY ! !
  4. I've known about that inscription for a while now, but no clue as to what its about. I've heard stories as to what its supposed to mean but nothing concrete. Maybe one of us could ask him on the next tour... if we meet him
  5. Originally posted by Drew
    "Miss You Sugar" is obviously an encrypted code. If you take the numeric value of each letter in "Miss You Sugar", you will come up with "13,9,19,19(miss) 25,15,21(you) 19,21,7,1,18(sugar)". Now that we have it in numeric form, we can uncover the true meaning of this encryption. Since "Miss You" is the action part of the statement and "Sugar" is the descriptive part, it only makes logical sense to divide the numeric values of "miss you" into "sugar". If you do that...

    alright...hold it right there...no it does not "only" make logical sense to do that...what the hell?!!
  6. Originally posted by drewhigginsMaybe it's something to do with these:

    * Who was Mercy, Original of the Species and Ultra Violet related to?
    * Someone related to a U2 member is diabetic or was on a diet in 2004.
    * Bono went shopping at his local convenience store and couldn't find any sugar for his coffee.
    * A bowl of sugar was stolen along with the HTDAAB CD from that function they were at.
    * Larry couldn't make up his mind between brown and white sugar for his coffee.

    If you ever read the Did You Know quotes on the U2start homepage, it says during the Achtung Baby recording sessions, Bono used to let his frustration with mistakes be known and as a result, is banned from drinking coffee. Now, if like myself, he enjoys sugar with his coffee and everything else you can put it on, he misses sugar - because I know if I can't put four tablespoons of sugar in everything and I was a successful recording artist, I'd Miss You Sugar, as well.

    Although I did like this theory (very technical but amazing):


    I noticed this too - Matrix A releases must have the message where Matrix B releases don't.

    Canadian Matrix A: L387 0249867829 MISS YOU SUGAR #41005Y14
    Canadian Matrix B: L387 02498681802 Made in Canada #41001Y09

    USA Matrix A: B00 036 1302R2 01% MISS YOU SUGAR
    USA Matrix B: INTR112369RE1 DIN

    UK Matrix A: MISS YOU SUGAR 06024 986 782-8 01 * 51529648
    UK Matrix B: 06024 986 817-4 50 01 * 51525089

    Weird story...
  7. Originally posted by Ali[..]

    alright...hold it right there...no it does not "only" make logical sense to do that...what the hell?!!

    I found it extremely interesting. I had another theory:

    * What if Bono secretly lives in a house made of sugar? He's on the road constantly, so he misses his house of sugar.
  8. does anyone the real story?that theory of the numerical explanation make sense tough...
  9. drewhiggins... Interesting story.. Can I have a toke of whatever your aviator is smoking?
  10. i dont think that what they meant
  11. Mine has it too, by the way...
  12. Originally posted by drewhigginsMaybe it's something to do with these:

    * Who was Mercy, Original of the Species and Ultra Violet related to?
    * Someone related to a U2 member is diabetic or was on a diet in 2004.
    * Bono went shopping at his local convenience store and couldn't find any sugar for his coffee.
    * A bowl of sugar was stolen along with the HTDAAB CD from that function they were at.
    * Larry couldn't make up his mind between brown and white sugar for his coffee.