1. Been flirting with sourcing a Croke ticket but that pricing is hideous.
  2. Based on my experience of recently seeing them with pretty good seat tickets, I think if you want to see them and get the best experience you should pay the money to be on the floor because that's where the best crowds are going to be. The crowds in the stands don't really get into the concert too much and I think the price/experience ratio in the stands is pretty bad. If you are curious to see them perform just because, I wouldn't even recommend going to a concert because of the ridiculous pricing.
  3. May well do. The bigger appeal is a few days drinking in Dublin. A gig at Croke would be a welcome bonus.
  4. Listen from the outside while drinking
  5. As hilarious as this sounds, there's actually a lot of validity in this statement.

    But rather than listen from afar outside, I recommend buying whatever concert film they release and watch that in the comfort of your own home using whatever quality audio-visual setup you've got. Live 2012 and Ghost Stories Live 2014 are incredibly well done. In fact, I'd say Coldplay's recent concert films have been a lot stronger than U2's recent releases from a production quality standpoint. It's to say the only proper way to experience U2 live is to be there in person, but that statement is as much a credit to U2 on stage as it is a discredit to whatever team is in charge of producing their live films.
  6. There's a new EP called Kaleidoscope apparently.
  7. will that be another download release?
    i miss the physical releases!!
  8. I've lost respect for them, ever since they became an unbridled American stadium rock'n'roll band.
  9. South Korea, Japan, Phillipines, Singapore and Taiwan next year.
  10. Are you sure its not just this new version of Everglow?

    They're also doing a Live EP for Spotify today apparently.

  11. @5:15

    @3:59 - Lol I love Will and Guy's face they're like "What, who told you that"