1. No it is the User table Remy. That is what makes it weird

  2. Cool then it's still there. Let me do some debugging tonight.
  3. Torrent stats restored! Some naming rarity that sneaked into the code.
  4. Yesterday i did some show´s reviews ( i know that it is nusual ) and they did not appears here : http://www.u2start.com/shows/#!reviews

    I going to look at each show to see if the reviews are ok

    Edit: the reviews are in each show
  5. Thanks for reporting, thanks to your description we know what is likely to be the cause. Remy will fix this as soon as he has time
  6. Originally posted by Risto:Thanks for reporting, thanks to your description we know what is likely to be the cause. Remy will fix this as soon as he has time

    It's caching Chris, the whole of show pages doesn't refresh ever since we moved server. Something for you to fix The 4min cron runs fine which should refresh it.
  7. I tried to update my avatar, but, as you see, it isn't working. My old one doesn't work either so it is not the file size or file format.

    My avatar should be here.

  8. Originally posted by fabian:I tried to update my avatar, but, as you see, it isn't working. My old one doesn't work either so it is not the file size or file format.

    My avatar should be here.


    Thanks please try again uploading
  9. i'm having HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error) clicking on the "last post" link
  10. and the "edit this post" button seems to do nothing but disable itself