1. Lemon For Sale I think is a doco where they talk about trying to sell the giant POPmart lemon on eBay. It never sold and is in a garage somewhere dismantled.

    Maybe the DVD will come out in 2010 or 2012?
  2. haha i know huh its taking so long! its not THAT hard to release it guys come on!
  3. Just had an email from Universal Mexico

    Thanks for your enquiry. The U2 POPmart Mexico DVD will be released on December 31 2021.
  4. haha lets hope so or else it might be in 2056 =0
  5. Maybe there should be a new poll on the front page:

    When do you think the Mexico POPmart DVD will be released?

  6. seriously huh? i seriously want it June 8th just like their website said
  7. It's gonna be released in the summer, no doubt about it.

    U2.com even said it, now I know they throw out a lot of garbarge facts but they can't say they release something and then don't when it's a DVD that's already ready for shipment

    It's gonna be either July, August or September. That's the summer, and that's allright.
  8. Originally posted by drewhigginsMaybe there should be a new poll on the front page:
    When do you think the Mexico POPmart DVD will be released?

  9. Originally posted by drewhigginsJust had an email from Universal Mexico

    Thanks for your enquiry. The U2 POPmart Mexico DVD will be released on December 31 2021.

    U2 fan: Universal Mexico, why are you postponing this indefinitely?
    Universal Mexico: because you'll buy it anyway.
    U2 fan: how do you know that?
    Universal Mexico: you said so.
    U2 fan: i said WHAT?
    Universal Mexico: you said you'd wait until the end of the world
  10. i want it to come out as soon as possible but I don't waiting i guess...
  11. Originally posted by Genaro92U2i want it to come out as soon as possible but I don't waiting i guess...

    Just wait another nine years.

  12. woooow!!!!! i think it's great they put u2 in rotterdam as extra on the dvd !!!!!
    I was at that concert and it was a very good show !!!
    they put extra lights in the stadium for the show under the stadium rings and above the seats
    so the stadium looked like one great disco party !!!!
    When i was going the next day to the second concert all the extra lights where gone !
    This was for me a better show because i was with my wife in the snakepit and stood
    next to the catwalk and the left side of the lemon !
    one moment bono gets of the catwalk walk between the second ring on the field and the
    snakepit and stops right before me that was the first time i realized that bono is a very little
    guy just like me i am 1.63 and he is 1.68 !!!
    He put on his glasses and looked around and than he run to the catwalk again !!!!
    This was for me the highlight of the show my wife was trying to touch him but she couldn't
    reach him !!!!
    i cant'wait to see the show again but now on dvd !!!!!!