1. Originally posted by Carlosgfc[..]
    I got the deluxe edition, it was only 20 bucks more than the normal so... By the way, does the normal edition of Sydney have all those funny things on the DVD booklet? Like the notes, those Zoo TV Cola and stuff like that? Just curious

    I'll definitely get the deluxe edition, but I don't know when.

    Were there any extra bits of ZooTV Sydney worth getting on Deluxe and paying the extra $15 on top? I only went for the single version, all I saw was Tryin' To Throw Your Arms Around The World wasn't on there but that was about it. But well worth it anyway.

    I'll be getting this one on release day - that's for sure. Apparently JB-HiFi here wanted $127.00 for the Deluxe Edition? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???? Twice as much as Elevation Boston which wasn't even worth getting in my opinion, what a waste of money.
  2. Originally posted by Remy[..]

    Looks awesome! Can't wait, I'll have it in 7 days from now

    it really does look awesome!!!!
    unfortunately here in Argentina, as far as I've heard the realease will be at the end of september of both the simple and the deluxe edition!!
    I really can't wait that long...
    I'm gonna go crazy by then.......

  3. Guess what I just bought...
  4. Originally posted by yeahGuess what I just bought...

    Lucky you
    I have to wait four days to buy it
  5. Originally posted by Benky[..]

    Lucky you
    I have to wait four days to buy it

    Well, it's not officially released here, either. Just go into a shop and try it. Worked for me.
  6. It will feature a pop-up Edge.

    And the cover is AMAZING. Even Better Than The Real Thing.

    Contains strong language!!!!!!
  7. Originally posted by LikeASong
    Contains strong language!!!!!!
