1. I was wondering why I wasn't absolutely excited about this song even if I already knew and have already said that this had everything to become a classic and that it probably would be one of their best ever...

    ...This is why (I needed someone else to put it this clearly):
  2. Really love the album version, but i got used to the live version. Miss the piano that builds up to Edge in the bridge. Is it me or the drums are very low in the mix?

  3. Except there are songs after it? Surely your last song ever wouldn’t not be the last song on an album?

    I like this but I think there are way better songs on this album. Of the four we heard before the leak this was my least favourite.
  4. I’d love to ask the band if there’s a rockier melancholy studio cut of this song like the live version , I’d say there is.

    This version feels like the experience version of the song though to me, not resigned to defeat but that the end being near and not really worrying about it anymore, ready to head on to the next life and being ok with it. Bono’s vocal is very different and almost sings it like an out of body experience which I guess the song could indeed be. The echoing at the end of his voice is like a ghost, as are the backing vocals throughout, it’s incredibly dynamic in its delivery, there’s so much going on.

    The live cut was a little more desperate in a great way but this packs a different knockout punch and is ultimately better for the album I’d say. It’s a better fit.
  5. When i first listen to this album drunk I will declare this song as perhaps the grandest U2 track since Bad.
  6. Wow, this is like 13 days of drunken Christmas by Gerard.
  7. damn, I need to do that
  8. U2 songs take on a different meaning when I’ve had a lot of pints. I’ve yet to go through that with these new songs. I only just realised.
  9. Originally posted by germcevoy:[..]
    U2 songs take on a different meaning when I’ve had a lot of pints. I’ve yet to go through that with these new songs. I only just realised.
    This whole saga was epic. More of that please.