1. I think that if they play it this time 'round it will be much better rehearsed. Though the acoustic-y version isn't as powerful aside from the UF tour versions.
  2. Originally posted by thefly108:I think that if they play it this time 'round it will be much better rehearsed. Though the acoustic-y version isn't as powerful aside from the UF tour versions.
  3. Very disappointing to see that Europe did not get any performances of The Troubles, California, Lucifer's Hands or The Crystal Ballroom.

    A couple shows left... does anyone think any of these songs will be played over the remaining Dublin and Paris shows?
  4. The rest of the tour if anyone is curious...

    Dublin 2:
    Out of Control, Desire, Angel of Harlem, Still Haven't Found
    Dublin 3:
    Gloria, Elevation, Volcano, One
    Dublin 4:
    Out of Control, Desire, actual surprise (probably Party Girl), Bad, 40
    Paris 3:
    Electric Co, Elevation, Sweetest Thing, One
    Paris 4:
    Electric Co, Elevation, Sweetest Thing, One or Bad/40 (if we're lucky, but probably not because filming)
  5. You know setlist variation has hit rock bottom when the thought of Stuck in the e-stage seems too good to be true.
  6. Originally posted by ASortOfDesire:The rest of the tour if anyone is curious...

    Dublin 2:
    Out of Control, Desire, Angel of Harlem, Still Haven't Found
    Dublin 3:
    Gloria, Elevation, Volcano, One
    Dublin 4:
    Out of Control, Desire, actual surprise (probably Party Girl), Bad, 40
    Paris 3:
    Electric Co, Elevation, Sweetest Thing, One
    Paris 4:
    Electric Co, Elevation, Sweetest Thing, One or Bad/40 (if we're lucky, but probably not because filming)
    No reason to doubt it but I'd be surprised to see Still Haven't Found back again. I'll go with wishful thinking and say Bad on nights 2 and 4.
  7. Seems like the USA leg had much more variation, and it was much more difficult to guess the EStage songs from night-to-night.
  8. Originally posted by pontneuf:Seems like the USA leg had much more variation, and it was much more difficult to guess the EStage songs from night-to-night.
    yeah, EU e-stage "variation" is terrible, completely wasted 2 spots

  9. Speaks for itself. Sad reading from Glasgow onwards for us anal fans.
  10. gotta have a full band rendition of ONE, though the crowd singing might be appropriate, any way they need to also play BAD in the same set. Dream three for either paris show- AIWIY, Full band ONE, BAD in the same night. Acrobat just seems a little off for the new occasion, but Crystal Ballroom could fit to help bring some fun...and who knows maybe Walk On or Kite. How about an actual encore...now im just getting my hopes up again, we know what the sets will be already
  11. Was just watching some American tour video's, All I want is you, lucifer, California, crystal Ballroom (!!), the whole Roxy show, that were exciting times!!