1. Morocco got 4 "Dutch" players. Fantastic. Here in Amsterdam people got crazy.
  2. Goodbye England thanks to Harry Pain

  3. Read up on the context. Van Gaal made comments on Messi prior, Dutch team yapped at every Argentinian during penalty kicks and that long fella that scored for Holland yapped at Messi all night. Also he wanted to "talk" with Messi in the tunnel right after the match but luckily he got stopped.
  4. I’m hoping for Croatia - France in the final again but this time Croatia wins
  5. πŸ‡«πŸ‡·πŸ‡«πŸ‡·πŸ‡«πŸ‡·
  6. Hope Les Bleus beat Argentina
  7. 2nd final in a row
    Whoever win sunday I would be happy : since Mexico 86 Argentina is my 2nd favorite team
  8. I'm Argentinian, so you know what I hope happens

    Despite our differences, Most Latin American people have been supporting us through and through on this Cup, and it's quite emotional to see us all together as One (sorry for the pun.) For many, if Argentina wins it'll mean the Cup is brought to our lands for everyone to celebrate (Peru, Uruguay, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, Nicaragua, Mexico, and more.)

    Our People face too many hardships every year due to bad politics, high crime rates, inflation, low salaries, corruption, etc. So, for Our People it's more than just a game or a sports competition. Winning this would be a nice "distraction" and moment of happiness amidst all the awfulness we face daily.

    Go Argentina! Go Latin American brothers and sisters!