2019-12-01 - Singapore
Trasa: Joshua Tree Tour 2019
Wykonane utwory: 26
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  1. I am so so happy that we will meet us in Singapore and could see and listen to the four guys from the Northside of Dublin
  2. 143 days
  3. It really won’t be long in coming round, hard to believe more than half this year has gone already. I’m really looking forward to these shows, will be great to catch up with a few folk I attended Berlin with last November and to meet a few people I’ve been chatting with in person for the first time. Would never have thought I’d be going to see the band just over a year on from Berlin feels like a real bonus and probably a final chance to see certain JT songs I thought we had said goodbye to in 2017. Can’t wait.
  4. Originally posted by deanallison:It really won’t be long in coming round, hard to believe more than half this year has gone already. I’m really looking forward to these shows, will be great to catch up with a few folk I attended Berlin with last November and to meet a few people I’ve been chatting with in person for the first time. Would never have thought I’d be going to see the band just over a year on from Berlin feels like a real bonus and probably a final chance to see certain JT songs I thought we had said goodbye to in 2017. Can’t wait.
    It will be great. The emotion of the JT17 show is incredible.... when Streets starts I am totally gone.
    And Red Hill
    And One Tree Hill
    And WILF
    ....oh for my far gone youth!

    Singaore Slings all round
  5. Originally posted by deanallison:It really won’t be long in coming round, hard to believe more than half this year has gone already. I’m really looking forward to these shows, will be great to catch up with a few folk I attended Berlin with last November and to meet a few people I’ve been chatting with in person for the first time. Would never have thought I’d be going to see the band just over a year on from Berlin feels like a real bonus and probably a final chance to see certain JT songs I thought we had said goodbye to in 2017. Can’t wait.
    Yes! I am really happy to see you guys over there! We have had a great time in Berlin and some of us in Belfast as well. And I am looking forward to meet you „new“ guys from our WhatsApp group in Singapore. It will be a big party!

    I couldn’t imagine two years ago that I will be able to listen live again TJT!!!! I was so so sad that I couldn’t see them in 2017. in 1987 TJT was my first concert and I was so sad that I couldn’t go two years ago.... And now???? Unbelievable!!!! I will go to SINGAPORE and will see them TWICE!!! Yeah, yeah, yeah!
  6. More GA tickets are being added for Singapore 1 show (previously sold out) in case anyone is interested. Also, two new seated sections are added as well at both ends of the stadium.

  7. 117 days
  8. I hope nobody goes to the National Stadium in Dublin by accident! Great 1980 boot by the way!
  9. Can you bring nicotine chewing gum for your own use in Singapore? im from sweden, will have to be without snuff because it is very illegal lift in Singapore according to their rules.
  10. Originally posted by AntonSWE:Can you bring nicotine chewing gum for your own use in Singapore? im from sweden, will have to be without snuff because it is very illegal lift in Singapore according to their rules.
    Watched a 'tourist guide' on youtube, the presenter said you can buy gum on prescription in Singapore - not sure if this helps
  11. Read about Michael P Fay
  12. One of my companions backed out from Singapore night 2 due to scheduling conflict so I have an extra ticket to the Red Zone. Let me know if anyone is interested. The only additional condition will be that you will have to be with us since I think the tickets can only be claimed during the day of the show on the venue because I have to bring my ID and card used to get said tickets.

