1. Originally posted by miryclay:[..]
    It took me a couple of months for that feeling you describe to hit me but it did. And it was about Little Things.
    Wasn't able to catch E&I tour, so I had no context of it live. And they didn't play Little Things on JT30 in Toronto, so didn't get that either. To me, the albums are like side A & B of a double album, and my opinion is that Side A is much better. Again, probably because I don't have live context. But for the album, Little Things was the redeeming track.
  2. I totally agree with Songs of Innocence and Experience being like Sides A and B of a double album and Side A being much better. I saw 4 E and I shows and 2 E and I shows and for me the live experience further justified my opinion, The only keepers from E and I for me are Red Flag Day, Little Things, Landlady, and The Black Out. Here is what my ideal 14 song merge looks like (made before the subscriber track listing was announced):

    The Miracle (of Joey Ramone)
    The Crystal Ballroom
    Song for Someone
    Cedarwood Road
    Raised By Wolves
    Sleep Like a Baby Tonight
    California (There is no End to Love)
    Every Breaking Wave
    Red Flag Day
    The Blackout
    The Little Things That Give You Away
  3. That postal notice was something else.
  4. I found a pretty good copy of From the Ground Up at a bookstore for $12 last night! Can't wait to thumb through it this weekend.
  5. Im ready for the rest of the downloads....๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
  6. Me too, can someone predict a set of Friday downloads for tomorrow it worked the last time.
  7. I foresee there being 10 songs available to download when I wake up tomorrow morning
  8. That’s it as good as confirmed right there. (Seriously if you’re right again I’m going to assume you work for u2.com lol).
  9. Originally posted by deanallison:[..]
    That’s it as good as confirmed right there. (Seriously if you’re right again I’m going to assume you work for u2.com lol).
    Well crap, now I hope I’m right LOL
  10. Only 2 added songs??? They better release all , anyways the gift will be shipped in august. Did u2.com mentioned what year haha
  11. Fingers crossed for an email "we're starting to ship the CDs, here's the download for all tracks while you wait 6 to 8 months to receive your physical copy!"
  12. LOL! I know right!