Legs (4): Leg 1: North America, Leg 2: Europe, Leg 3: North America, Leg 4: Rest Of The World
Concerts: 111
  1. I've virtually listened to every Popmart bootleg and its a great tour just not as good as all the others tours around it.
    It doesnt lift me in the same way as other U2 tours and like one of the other posters mentioned i felt a bit disconnected from the band around this time and was losing interest.I certainly appreciate the tour more now.
  2. When Popmart Mexico was shown on TV in Germany (either live or the day after the show, can't remember) I was really disappointed that Miami had been dropped. I loved the Popmart tour and still so.
  3. Originally posted by RattleandHum1988:I actually really love Edge's version of SBS on this tour - while it doesn't have the bombast or maybe even the emotion of Bono's performance, something about it evokes a very sad sort of serenity. If Bono's performance is the rage in the aftermath of a terrible thing, Edge's performance is the sadness of it, and something about it really hits home.

    Absolutely nailed it with this view!
  4. I have to say edges version of SBS in Popmart is probably the only thing that beats I&E/ E&I for worst version of the song. I hate the picked electric guitar when there’s no effects. Popmart though in general I really like.
  5. Epic version of LNOE
  6. Way over due. But it can't sound like on oddity that Sats was on EI.
  7. Wouldnt bank much on Pop songs reappearing,the band seem to want to forget this time.
    Perfect opportunity was TJT30 encore.
  8. PopMart Bad was great.

    Tokyo is my favourite performance.
  9. I was reading Under A Blood Red Sky's Wiki page and I stumbled upon this:

    During the PopMart Tour in 1997, Bono stated that because of low ticket sales for their Denver concert at Mile High Stadium, a return to the more intimate Red Rocks setting held appeal.
