2018-09-20 - Madrid
Turnê: Experience and Innocence tour
Músicas tocadas: 25
Gravações de áudio: 2
Vídeos: 1
  1. Crashed out during SBS. Did me a favour
  2. I switched to Doris.. not as strong but not buggin' out on me.
  3. How many shows will you have hit this complete tour?
  4. My ambition in life is to hang with Remy. If I can make time and money , I wish.
  5. Don't do it. He converts anyone to ba a truly terrible person.
  6. Which mix of elevation is this ?
  7. Influx mix!
  8. I can't believe that I've only been to 20 shows and I've been seeing the band since '86........

    Although, now with these mixlrs and periscopes, you tube.... I feel I've gone to so much more......