2018-09-08 - Paris
Тур: Experience and Innocence tour
Песен исполнено: 25
аудиозаписи: 2
Видео: 2
  1. I’m actually ok with the lack of rotation. What puts me off a bit is how choreographed everything is. Not that it hasn’t been like this for a long time, but right now it’s at a point that you can guess every word bono will say before he says it
  2. Are the speeches on the teleprompters too?
  3. Originally posted by marianarielli:I’m actually ok with the lack of rotation. What puts me off a bit is how choreographed everything is. Not that it hasn’t been like this for a long time, but right now it’s at a point that you can guess every word bono will say before he says it
    I’m going to jump on this bandwagon and say I read someone saying if you take away all the bonologue they could play a few extra songs. How many people here would be happy for less bonologue without the additional songs?I probably would lol.

  4. 24 songs total among all shows.
    Yes, eventually they'll play another song not in these 24 songs, it's just the law of probabilities. Once they introduce this new song (I honestly don't know which one they'll finally choose), they'll settle with that changed setlist for another period of time again, that's how it works with this band now.
  5. I'd pay extra if they'd remove the verbiage between song so
  6. Originally posted by fastcars:[..]
    Thus the claim "Greatest Band Of Northern Ireland" because we all know when they made the claim "Greatest Band In The World" they rotated setlists..

    'Greatest band in North Dublin'
  7. Damn now I really want to know if this is true. I feel like some of those are so adlibbed but I wouldn’t be shocked if they were TelePrompTer. Like were the EBTTRT speeches and Mirrorball/Macphisto not just on the spot?
  8. The impression of this show is that it’s fine / good, but not great. It seems to me they’re doing this for themselves. When the dust settles and we reflect on this tour it won’t go down as one of their most memorable ones. They’re trying to fight this nostalgia act label but I’d guess majority of fans going would expect to hear more of the hits then what’s being played.

    There don’t seem to be too many highs in this show. They’re obviously fine with not being great on this tour, but they have set the bar fairly high!
  9. Even a band like U2 needs one or two big hits like Bad, Streets or WOWOYin their set..
  10. Definitely a good but not great tour Although with the age of the band, I'm just viewing this tour as one of the last times to see the band. The clock is ticking......