2018-06-25 - New York
Turnê: Experience and Innocence tour
Músicas tocadas: 26
Gravações de áudio: 3
Vídeos: 1
  1. I can't believe they've been playing 2 years on this tour.
    What? It's only been 2 months???
  2. I want to publically thank, larryrulz, Caleb for selling me a GA for Newark at FACE. U2 fans are great.
  3. Springsteen has no Broadway shows on the 25th & 26th.

    Will it happen?

  4. For 95% of the audience yes they will be rarities also they are playing 8 new songs from SOE only obsessed setlist watchers have a problem with it.
  5. Has GA line started yet ?
  6. Originally posted by popmarter:[..]

    For 95% of the audience yes they will be rarities also they are playing 8 new songs from SOE only obsessed setlist watchers have a problem with it.
    I'm just telling you what they'll play.
  7. I have a GA to sell for Newark
  8. I have a spare seating ticket for night one that I haven't managed to sell. Sooo...
    I can give it to someone for a small price or even free it it comes to it
    BTW, my legs hurt from walking so much in NYC lol