2018-06-13 - Philadelphia
Turnê: Experience and Innocence tour
Músicas tocadas: 26
Gravações de áudio: 1
  1. We're the killers in the house ?
  2. sorry, I meant that I I've never heard that snippet before.

    I know the song, probably better than Bono, I do remember that one time he came on stage with the Killers to sing this very song and, true to himself, he forgot the lyrics.
  3. Originally posted by Bloodraven:[..]
    sorry, I meant that I I've never heard that snippet before.

    I know the song, probably better than Bono, I do remember that one time he came on stage with the Killers to sing this very song and, true to himself, he forgot the lyrics.
    Haha alright, I misunderstood you.

    That version was Bono just being Bono
  4. "Oldskool" review of the next generation


  5. Two years ago today was my first U2 show! Had a great time seeing the band and hearing both the SoE tunes as well as some of my favorites (Gloria, Acrobat, Iris). Wish I could relive that night. Did anyone else see the first Philly show?