2018-06-11 - New York
Тур: Various Dates
Песен исполнено: 19
аудиозаписи: 2
  1. The LA Roxy was also hosted by a radio station, if I recall well, and not broadcasted...

    So...I don't count on any live broadcast actualy...
  2. Originally posted by BigGiRL:[..]
    The LA Roxy was also hosted by a radio station, if I recall well, and not broadcasted...

    So...I don't count on any live broadcast actualy...
    It will be broadcasted in a Sirius channel. That was in the announcement, if I recall.
  3. Yes for sure it will be broadcasted. I have it in my car and the commercial comes on constantly.
    New u2 Chanel will probably broadcast it.
  4. Originally posted by jasvan:[..]
    Yes for sure it will be broadcasted. I have it in my car and the commercial comes on constantly.
    New u2 Chanel will probably broadcast it.
    I'll be soooo thrilled if it does indeed gets broadcasted (and recorded ), but my "eXPERIENCE" tells me to cheer when it's actually happening

    Should be an awesum setlist party
  5. I think it will be broadcasted on the special U2 channel, but not live.
  6. This will be all over the web the next day regardless if it's only on a u2 sirrius channel
  7. I remember the Bruce Springsteen concert at the Apollo was broadcasted live.
  8. So anyone here know any “fans” who won?

    I’d say Angel of Harlem is a lock no?
  9. Yes, Sil, Amra, Amp, Paco, Brigitte, etc.