2018-06-11 - New York
Tour: Various Dates
Liedjes gespeeld: 19
Audio opnames: 2
  1. Ok, who else is going to do the free trial on Sirius only for this?
  2. I've got the free trial now! Excited that it lines up for this. Hopefully there will be some cool live stuff.
  3. I can tell you I’ve had Sirius since 2006. At first it was only for Howard Stern. There are tons and tons of great programming on here. I hope this u2 channel because permanent.
  4. That would be the worst setlist ever.
    So it's highly likely you are spot on
  5. I entered, but unless I win the trip where they pay for my flight, I'm not sure I can go even if I do win just the tickets... boo!!!!
  6. Document give them to me, I'll look after them. Where do you live?
  7. I haven't even won them yet!! I'll cross that when I DO OFFICIALLY WIN!! RIGHT, Cause we're all going to win!!
  8. Do we know if this will be broadcasted live ?
  9. Of course it will - it's an event being promoted by a radio station.