2018-05-19 - Omaha
Tour: Experience and Innocence tour
Songs played: 26
Audio recordings: 0
  1. Originally posted by MattG:Down here in Omaha drinking Guinness. Shit I got here early. Probably not gonna head in til close to 7 or 7:30 even. I’ll surely have plenty of room on the floor. And if not, whatever. It’ll be fine.
    Where? I'm near the arena. Someone at my AirBNB is also a U2 fan from Seattle going to the show.
  2. Originally posted by LikeASong:[..]
    Don't worry, I've just checked Ticketmaster.com and it seems you're the only one in GA, together with Brigitte and Greg. Say hello to the 6 fans that'll be seating

    Looks like another "SOLD OUT" empty show for U2 ! WOWSERS!!!!!
  3. U2 left some tickets unsold to let the fans watch the royal wedding. #Respect.

  4. Yes , I had Tulsa mapped as being the equivalent of Daventry UK.
    Omaha , I would have down as Shrewsbury UK.

    I'm still working on Uncasville .
  5. Seriously now, when Brian Murphy said they were "working on new material", could he mean for this tour?
    We may see soon the debut of The Showman or maybe California given the teaser in Instagram.
  6. Its just an excuse line. Duh
  7. Originally posted by cesar_garza01:Seriously now, when Brian Murphy said they were "working on new material", could he mean for this tour?
    We may see soon the debut of The Showman or maybe California given the teaser in Instagram.
    Yeah, I don't think they're working on SOE in Omaha It must be some tour debut indeed. California just after they've left California would be odd, though.
  8. I am going to try mixlr tonight conditioned upon WiFi and battery life. Feel free to critique my audio publically.
  9. SOE was realeased 5 monthes ago.
  10. Thanks in advance
  11. Sorry, only checking in sporadically. Gonna leave to get to the venue at 7pm. It’s rigt across the street. I’m at the Old Mattress Factory or “The Matt” (fitting”. Several beers deep, no intention of stopping. Jukebox overrun with U2 songs; check the Instagram story for a fun poll. Mofo on now.