2017-07-15 - Rome
Тур: Joshua Tree Tour 2017
Песен исполнено: 23
аудиозаписи: 5
Видео: 1

  1. I love this “poets” intro speech and Bono talking Italian. Not to mention the Bowie snippets. One of my favourite performances of Bad this tour.
  2. Is there an Italian around who can tell me what Bono is saying at the end of his intro speech?
  3. "A volte tratteniamo, a volte lasciamo andare. Preghiamo, lasciamo andare. Preghiamo, tratteniamo, lasciamo andare" italian version
  4. Originally posted by davec82:[..]
    "A volte tratteniamo, a volte lasciamo andare. Preghiamo, lasciamo andare. Preghiamo, tratteniamo, lasciamo andare" italian version
    And what does it mean?

    Is it from somewhere? Like a song, or poem?
  5. Dont know if It is from somewhere but i like to think of it as "feel emotions"
  6. "Sometimes we hold on, sometimes we let go. Please let go. Let's pray, hold on, let go."

    ...or something like that...
  7. Originally posted by u2joost:"Sometimes we hold on, sometimes we let go. Please let go. Let's pray, hold on, let go."

    ...or something like that...

    Love it!!
  8. This version is so good , listening to it at least 2 times a day.
  9. Amazing version. I was really close. An amazing moment. What an evening.
  10. Same here. Think I'm at least at 20 or 25 listens by now.