2017-07-15 - Rome
Тур: Joshua Tree Tour 2017
Песен исполнено: 23
аудиозаписи: 5
Видео: 1
  1. Our group at Twickers was 8-70. Ours is a broad church!
  2. Much respect ... I have also been to our Olympiastadion, maybe even passed you by without knowing it hopefully meet you in Dub, would be nice liebe Grüße aus dem Ruhrgebiet
  3. What time u2 on ? (Uk time ?)
  4. I guess it should start any minute, it is 20:51 in Rome now
  5. I will listen to the show while gaming so I won't be joining the setlist party, maybe in between matches I wil say something! Enjoy the show!
  6. Hey MacStripey - Grüße aus Hamburg I'm at the fan-meeting from U2-tour.de (church) friday in Dublin. I was in Rome 2010. This year, not enough money (and too hot in July).

  7. 4 minutes ago
  8. Looks packed
  9. Today or tomorrow A Sort of Homecoming and/or The Little Things that Give You Away - I hope.