2017-07-22 - Dublin
Trasa: Joshua Tree Tour 2017
Wykonane utwory: 24
Nagrania audio: 1
Filmy: 1

  1. I'd say either somewhere by phoenix park, ballsbridge or rathmines area, be a nice walk back into town and can pub stop on the way in
  2. Originally posted by LikeASong:[..]
    I'm planning to be one of those. Since I'm not keen on spending wasting a day in my favourite city just queuing outside Croker, and therefore getting a nice spot besides the tree or the corner between catwalk and main stage will be near impossible, I plan to be there around 6pm and just enter the stadium with 0 hassle and enjoy the show resting my back against the fence with the whole of Pitch1 behind me and only few people between me and the show. Clear view, clear sound, no stress... Way to go.

    solid plan, sergio, see you there
  3. Under the tree's shadow Will be a wonderful first meeting.

    It's a shame that our friend Wojciechowski is missing it...
  4. At the moment, no for I was only able to get a Twickenham ticket. I may be able to sort out a quick overnight jaunt to Dublin - it might be more feasible than one to Amsterdam the week after - let me see what I can do!
  5. Originally posted by LikeASong:[..]
    Under the tree's shadow Will be a wonderful first meeting.

    It's a shame that our friend Wojciechowski is missing it...
    I need an appropriate KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN gif edited to say SANCHEEEEEEEEEEEZ.

    EDIT: Also, SANTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS and other related things.
  6. Originally posted by WojBhoy:[..]
    At the moment, no for I was only able to get a Twickenham ticket. I may be able to sort out a quick overnight jaunt to Dublin - it might be more feasible than one to Amsterdam the week after - let me see what I can do!
    DO IT.

  7. It's c. £40 for an overnight return flight... oh temptation, thy name is Sergio.

    Sort me out with a park bench to sleep in and hot damn I'm there.
  8. Originally posted by LikeASong:[..]
    Under the tree's shadow Will be a wonderful first meeting.

    It's a shame that our friend Wojciechowski is missing it...
    sergio, did you forget us meeting in a'dam in '15?
    *glares at harry*