1997-09-23 - Sarajevo
Tour: Popmart
Canzoni suonate: 25
Registrazioni audio: 3
Video: 1
  1. Sounds like Edge IEM
  2. The broadcast/cd silver is one of the best quality bootlegs.
  3. It will be an FM I reckon its got that slight hissy feel to it
  4. As fas as I know there only is the FM. But Edge is so loud.
  5. Not that it's a problem though
  6. I always love Mofo into IWF
  7. Wasn't that the case for a lot of Popmart shows? That they upped Edge's vocals in the mix because Bono was rough as hell during Popmart.
  8. I Will Follow was best on PopMart. Fight me.
  9. Originally posted by Welsh_Edge:[..]
    Wasn't that the case for a lot of Popmart shows? That they upped Edge's vocals in the mix because Bono was rough as hell during Popmart.
    Hadn't looked at it that way yet, could well be!
  10. Originally posted by Welsh_Edge:[..]
    Wasn't that the case for a lot of Popmart shows? That they upped Edge's vocals in the mix because Bono was rough as hell during Popmart.
    Never heard that but that would make a lot of sense.
  11. If you walk away...