2015-07-10 - Boston
Tournée: Innocence and Experience tour
Morceaux joués: 27
Enregistrement audio: 5
  1. #RegGate #Scandal
  2. And in other news, The Crystal Ballroom from Boston 3 is even better than I remember.
  3. Hahahhaa... Registration Four -fuck-I-just-messed-up- Thrix (?) Eight Five, gotta love Bono
  4. Like a preacher stealing license plates at a travelling show
  5. someone said me was in Boston night 4 but the sound was not very good, too much echo, is it true?

  6. Atop the "Christmas" list
  7. Torrent for Boston 4 up in our torrents section. The bootleg will also be in our pages in a few minutes.
  8. Is this a new one? Could have sworn I grabbed B4 earlier today? Or did it just go up today and you're just announcing it now and I happened to get lucky earlier today?

    Anyway, I'm grateful! Thank you very much!
  9. I think you're confusing Boston 3 with Boston 4. It happened to me too, same taper and everything.
  10. Nope! There's a 24-bit and a 16-bit. The new one you just put up I think is the 16-bit. The one I grabbed earlier was the 24-bit.

    INCA uploaded the 24-bit late last night apparently.
  11. Oh, you're right. Well, we didn't have anything in our show pages, so this one will be there in a few moments. Thanks!