2015-06-06 - Denver
Gira: Innocence and Experience tour
Canciones tocadas: 25
Grabaciones de audio: 1
  1. As much as I'd love to say that it's due to America's obesity rate dropping, I sincerely doubt that's the case.
  2. hahahaha, no way
    It's a very close race, where everybody looses.
  3. So, speaking of Denver shows, are the bootlegs ready yet?
  4. Of course it isn't. It's been a topic over here for many times, the difference between why Europe and South America have much more powerful crowds than North America. We will never know the answer. Or maybe : culture.
  5. It's not only a cultural thing, it's an era thing. US crowds were great in the 80's in the UF and JT tours. Australian crowds were super noisy during ZooTV. Now in the latest tours, they are dead silent (imo).
  6. unfortunately a U2 show is just a place to be here in US. I would say a majority of the audience has no clue what EBTTRT is until Bono actually sings the words EBTTRT. and here I was hoping to get deep stuff from JT and AB.
  7. I've mentioned this somewhere else, but I think the different energy levels has a bit to do with culture but a lot to do with the average age of U2's audience. When I was in LA, I was easily younger than the average age of those in attendance by a good 5-10 years. Almost everyone I talked to shared their experiences from ZooTV shows, to which I respond by telling them that Achtung Baby was released on the year I was born.
  8. Originally posted by ahn1991:[..]
    There were a fair number of people that I would estimate being in their early 30s, so maybe they think they're too old for jumping and clapping?

    I'm closing in on the big 30 now, but I could not imagine - ever - to not jump and sing my heart out at a u2 concert. I can simply not hold myself back, it's impossible. they come on stage, they play and there is a surge happening inside my belly and chest and off I go people who don't feel that and don't just act on it are missing out big time.
  9. I'm 38 (even if I don't look like) and have no problem with jumping and singing on concerts - not just U2.
    But it's US, so I wouldn't be surprised if they eat hamburger in front row lol
  10. People tend to come back with beers more than anything else
  11. I'm 38 and you should have seen me last night at a Blur gig in Blackpool, showed the young kids how to do it.
  12. I don't think active members on this site are just mediocre U2-fans / concert-attendees though