2015-05-15 - Vancouver
Trasa: Innocence and Experience tour
Wykonane utwory: 26
Nagrania audio: 6
Filmy: 1
  1. Bono sounds kinda down at the start of the experience part (Invisible and EBTTRT), like he is tired. Night 1 btw.

  2. me too! surprised me.

    Can someone write out Bono's rant near the end of Bullet? I can only understand fragments of it

    Hot damn Hands That Built into Pride is awesome
  3. Bono being Bono
  4. Just look at the number of people with a mobile phone in their hands
  5. When Love Comes To Town is so good. I hope it makes some more appearances across the tour (preferably in London).
  6. The organs have been dropped in One? Just like I asked for. And it is lovely.
  7. One thing I certainly won't be doing during any of my shows. 100% experience
  8. Originally posted by iTim:When Love Comes To Town is so good. I hope it makes some more appearances across the tour (preferably in London).
    It gets the crowd more going than The Miracle, it would work as a tour regular
  9. Hahaha turned out I understood some "weird stuff" in BTBS instead of what Bono said.

    That sure explains why I had quite some ?s listening to it