2010-10-02 - Coimbra
Tour: U2 360° Tour
Liedjes gespeeld: 25
Audio opnames: 2
Video's: 1
  1. mysterious ways
    It rocks more than during the vertigo tour i think
  2. Originally posted by bartajax:I think Mysterious Ways is great this tour, didnt like it very much at the Vertigo tour but this tour its just great. Esspecially the Move me spirit, teach me part

    i agree. and the visuals on the screen are S-W-E-E-T
  3. Let It Be snippet
  4. Elevation now,
    The start of Elevation is great imo, with Bono sining Wooh Wooh

  5. Elevation gives me always a lot of energy ..love that song
  6. Until the end of the world ....

  7. yea ppl dont apreciate the song enough. Great rocker imo

  8. Its a oke song but not a great rocker like UTEOTW imo
  9. that's the part i love the most
    Ladadaddaaaaaaaaa when Edge guitar goes of like a rocket at the end of the song