2024-02-18 - Las Vegas
Trasa: U2:UV Achtung Baby at the Sphere
Wykonane utwory: 23
Nagrania audio: 1
  1. Will this be on the concert recording next weekend?
  2. A beautiful song that we need to hear more often and a better choice than Don't Dream It's Over (which is a brilliant song in its own right)
  3. Super cool to see this added!!
  4. Discotheque snippet and Peace on Earth in same concert !! I need today's recording now asap....
  5. So Cruel doesn't need a visual spectacle, it's a highlight of the show just on it's own.
  6. Pretty good show, odd moment of Bono's giant "shut up". I think he shouldve just kept talking
  7. I think, from watching it back, it was right to do as I dare say he’s shied away from the tricky landscape of this conflict, and the vitriol that’s been present from those who only see the pro Palestinian side as one that’s suffering. It re-affirmed his point. Just my take.
  8. Loved the lyric change between Bono and Edge similar to Seconds!!!!.
  9. Always had a soft spot for the song. Great to hear it. Didn’t get listening to the preceding speech. I presume Israel?
  10. That was amazing!!!!

    I was at the back of GA on Adam's side. Screamed my voice out singing. Jumped up and down lots.

    Afterwards I went up to the stage, said hi to AJ, and got a setlist!!!

    I'll post a picture of it later.
  11. Bono seeing Bram's stache and singing "It's alright, it's alright, --that's not alright!--" was priceless!
  12. Thought tonight was great. Vibe in GA is soooo different from up in the seats, and I’ve only been twice, so hard to really compare, but band seemed to be really enjoying the crowd energy.

    Really loved seeing Peace on Earth, and that leading straight into Acrobat was quite a transition.

    Might be able to get my tape up before I start the drive back to SLC tomorrow, but we’ll see