2024-02-18 - Las Vegas
Trasa: U2:UV Achtung Baby at the Sphere
Wykonane utwory: 23
Nagrania audio: 1
  1. Wham bam, thank you Bram!
  2. Lol
  3. Discotheque snippet in Mysterious Ways with the boom chas.
  4. Wow, ZOO TV style wail at the end of One. A great show so far.
  5. Originally posted by Keeb13r:[..]
    I think you're thinking of the Church of the Light, which is what the cross shaped opening for Zoo Station is inspired by. It has nothing to do with the concrete dome in the preshow.
    Thanks for the reminder; this is the image I had in mind. If you look at the shape and texture of the panels on the wall, with the darker spots near each corner, I think you'll find the pre-show projection very much replicates it. Representing it as a dome is the best solution given the original is a square shape and the Sphere is round. [The bit in The Fly where the room [i]does [/i]appear square is my favourite magic trick they pull off]


  6. The pre show dome looks like the roof of the Pantheon in Rome.
  7. Peace On Earth !!
  8. Amazing!!!!.
  9. Wishing this song was in Innocence & Experience Tours & Experience & Innocence Tours.
  10. finally a fitting song and beautifully sung !!!