1. There is a new You Too, you can vote for this new poll on the frontpage and discuss it in this thread.

    The last You Too:

    Will you buy the Pasadena DVD? (poll started on 2010-05-17)

    Yes, the deluxe edition - 32%
    Yes, the super deluxe box set - 28.7%
    Yes, the (Blu-ray or DVD) single disc - 17.3%
    I haven't decided yet - 7.8%
    No, I'll skip this time - 6.9%
    I will buy multiple editions! - 5.6%
    No, I never buy DVD's - 1.5%

    Votes: 727

    The question of this new You Too is:

    What do you think are the chances of the Europe leg to start in time?

    - I'm sure the first show will start on time
    - It will start on time, but it will take a while before Bono is the old one again
    - I think the first few shows will be postponed, it's too early
    - I think the Europe leg will be postponed, 8 weeks recovery is too long for Bono
    - I think the whole tour will be cancelled, Bono is too old to recover

    Please vote on the frontpage of the website, in this thread you can tell us why you voted for your answer.
    Your vote is valued! Thank you!
  2. I think it wil start on time, booking the 2 weeks in Turin probably shows that his on schedule for recovery, probably watch himself abit though in the first few shows
  3. May be delayed. But I plumped for option 2 - will start on time but Bono will not be himself for a while
  4. European leg will start on time. No dangly microphones though
  5. I think the first couple dates might be delayed. And even if they aren't, get used to robotic Bono.
  6. I think the whole tour will be cancelled, Bono is too old to recover

  7. I'm sure the first show will start on time - cancelling the US-leg was just buying time to release 3 simultaneous albums later this year
  8. It'll start on time, but give Bono a few shows til he's back to his old self.

    Who's voting for "Bono's too old"? I just voted and there's some votes clocked in for that...seriously? REVEAL YOURESELVES!
  9. He will recover in time but he won't be running around on stage as much as he does.
  10. Edge said the middle of August so I reckon the first few will get cancelled
  11. First few will cancelled. Sort of sucks because I'm looking forward to Frankfurt, but then we'll go to Sziget so...
  12. All will go as planned..