1. Where did he say middle of August?

    I think the whole leg will be cancelled, a severe back injury takes some time and you can't intensively walk around so soon. It's not like a small tear in a hamstring
  2. I chose "on time, but Bono needs a while to be his old self again"

    Come to think of it, I wouldn't mind them kicking of the European leg in Brussels...
  3. I think it'll start on time, but Bono will need some time to get back to his old self. He'll definitely not do the swinging mic thing for UV anymore

  4. Originally posted by MacStripey:I think it'll start on time, but Bono will need some time to get back to his old self. He'll definitely not do the swinging mic thing for UV anymore


    The performance will improve, by the way
  5. Originally posted by Malahide:[..]

    Where did he say middle of August?

    I think the whole leg will be cancelled, a severe back injury takes some time and you can't intensively walk around so soon. It's not like a small tear in a hamstring

    He said it on a video interview on u2.com, I'm 90% sure....
  6. I think they will open in torino ...
    also they will add a second night ...

    and I will be there ....

    here is hope ....
  7. whenever they return, I hope they will be given an extra warm and noisy welcome
  8. The next leg of the tour will probably start in time, that's also my opinion. But given Bono's physical condition U2 will take a slower start this time, leaving out songs such as Vertigo and Elevation and bringing in some nice surprises instead, like So Cruel and Love is Blindness, maybe even If God Will Send His Angels or Drowning Man, two songs they rehearsed last year? If only ...
  9. I'm also pretty optimistic that the leg will start in Turino, tho Bono will need some time to give his full Bono treatment .

    The statement by Edge about "mid August" was, I think, before we had the official statement from McGuiness and that Doctor. So...if they seriously booked Turino from the end of July on, I think they are confident. I don't think they'd book it + let he claw get built if they have serious doubts about Bono's recovery (just think of the costs!)
  10. Originally posted by thefly202005:The next leg of the tour will probably start in time, that's also my opinion. But given Bono's physical condition U2 will take a slower start this time, leaving out songs such as Vertigo and Elevation and bringing in some nice surprises instead, like So Cruel and Love is Blindness, maybe even If God Will Send His Angels or Drowning Man, two songs they rehearsed last year? If only ...

    can't ditch Vertigo, became a live classic just this tour.. EPIC
  11. i think only Bono and the Doctor's involved have any chance to answer this with some accuracy. This is a poor choice for a question, maybe call it "speculation" of the month, thus i did not answer it on the main page.
    But based on the ZERO knowledge i have of the injury Bono sustained or of any treatment that is essential for a recovery, i think that the European tour will have a few early dates postponed. Any surgeory, if that was actually the case, needs a couple of months to recover from and resume all full Rock performance activities, especially if it has to do with the legs, back or neck - the wrist or elbow and 8 weeks might be enough...but really who knows? Maybe a year off would be good for the band, just hang out and work on the 4 albums of material they have yet to release from the last 3 years. The lackluster "No Line..." album (to me, only because Breathe, Boots and Comedy take away from the impact and flow of the rest of the songs) has seemingly mired the band in a directionless funk, if they could find a creative direction and go after it whole hearted then I think this band can once again redefine the relationship of artist and audience, rather than cowtow as a third of "No Line..." and unfortunately the 360 tour appears to have been.
    all my support to Bono, Danny and their families.