1. I'm going with Elevation, just seemed to have more momentum than the other 2, and i like the close, arena feel of the gigs compared to the big stadium
  2. I seem to be in the minority here, i voted for all of the tours equally, the reason for this is every tour has magic moments, just getting ready to leave the house the exsitment of it all, i am getting on now and just love the whole process as i call it to my daughter, getting the tickets digging out the earliest t-shirt i can find, getting in the car, the drive, arriving for what is going to be another memorable night in the company of the greatest band in living memory and of coarse my fellow fans, singing my heart of for 2 hours, i feel like a big kid again. i try to treat ever show as if its my first.

    the guys have never let me down, i love them, we have been togeather a long time, so to pick one tour is impossible for me i am just glad to be there, sadly there wont be many more tours, so please just enjoy them all. it is a privilage to be at a U2 concert, and even more so to be a fan.

    thanks to BONO EDGE LARRY AND ADAM for all the memories. and more to come.
  3. EDIT:

    VERTIGO for me. Just has a great setlist
  4. 360 tour
  5. It would have to be the 360 tour.... and this is why...... I also have the pics to prove it!!!

    Being a massively huge U2 fan. I am the type of guy that would travel hundreds of miles to see my favourite band and have close to 30 ticket stubs to prove it.

    Anyway, U2 had performed back to back shows recently (September 12th and 13th) at Soldier Field in Chicago and sure enough, I had planned to attend (when tickets had gone on sale earlier in the year) with my 10 year old son Lukas. We managed to get within yards of the stage for the first show, and I have the Blackberry photos to prove it. Being from London, Canada (about two hours outside of Toronto); we stayed the night in Chicago for the second show. We got up the next day to do some sightseeing around downtown Chicago and found ourselves up on Michigan and Chicago avenues and low and behold, ran into U2 in around the hotel they were staying at. Autographs were given by The Edge and Adam Clayton on little Lukas' U2 T-shirt. Unfortunately, we didn’t get Bono’s autograph and Larry wasn’t present.

    Well, this chance encounter left Lukas extremely optimistic and downright convinced that he would get both of their autographs at the Toronto shows a few days down the road. Last week, I went back to work telling my colleagues about our Chicago story and how great both shows were and about running into both The Edge and Adam Clayton. I’m also telling everyone how Lukas wants to go to Toronto early, expecting to get Bono and Larry's autograph. Perhaps, hoping to catch them at their hotel or arriving at the Rogers Centre for a sound check. Of course, I know that the chances of this happening are slim to none and quickly realize my conundrum of not wanting to disappoint my son yet obviously realizing Lukas’ potential let-down of not getting those autographs looms statistically large.

    Everyone wished me good luck and Lukas and I departed for the Toronto U2 shows Wednesday morning (September 16th) for the next three days. Needless to say we didn’t see Bono or the band at the Toronto hotel or at the Rogers Centre for their sound check. By this time I believe Lukas was beginning to realise just how lucky we really were in Chicago and that the chances of “running” into U2 again just wasn’t going to happen. Now, having been already to three U2 shows in the past week (two in Chicago and the first Toronto show) Lukas and I decided to watch this show from The Edge’s side of the stage. Just for a different perspective. Well, this was the best decision we ever made. It was during The Unforgettable Fire that Bono made his way over to where we were standing watching the show. It was towards the end of this song that Bono crossed over one of the bridges connecting the main stage to the circular outer stage; right above us. I already had Lukas on my shoulder to get a better view of what was happening when Bono and I made eye contact. He then gestured to me to rise Lukas up and that was exactly what I did. Bono took Lukas’ hand and pulled him up onto the bridge. Bono gave him a high five, asked him how he was doing and what his name was. They then walked onto the outer stage and the band began to play City of Blinding Lights. Lukas spent the next several minutes running around the outer stage with Bono as the band played. Bono sang to him and the audience of 60,000 plus cheered them on. Bono even let little Lukas try on his sunglasses! We thought Chicago was the pinnacle U2 moment and then this happens. Truly an incredible experience!!!

    Lukas still doesn’t have Larry’s autograph however
  6. Originally posted by russzara:It would have to be the 360 tour.... and this is why...... I also have the pics to prove it!!!

    Being a massively huge U2 fan. I am the type of guy that would travel hundreds of miles to see my favourite band and have close to 30 ticket stubs to prove it.

    Anyway, U2 had performed back to back shows recently (September 12th and 13th) at Soldier Field in Chicago and sure enough, I had planned to attend (when tickets had gone on sale earlier in the year) with my 10 year old son Lukas. We managed to get within yards of the stage for the first show, and I have the Blackberry photos to prove it. Being from London, Canada (about two hours outside of Toronto); we stayed the night in Chicago for the second show. We got up the next day to do some sightseeing around downtown Chicago and found ourselves up on Michigan and Chicago avenues and low and behold, ran into U2 in around the hotel they were staying at. Autographs were given by The Edge and Adam Clayton on little Lukas' U2 T-shirt. Unfortunately, we didn’t get Bono’s autograph and Larry wasn’t present.

    Well, this chance encounter left Lukas extremely optimistic and downright convinced that he would get both of their autographs at the Toronto shows a few days down the road. Last week, I went back to work telling my colleagues about our Chicago story and how great both shows were and about running into both The Edge and Adam Clayton. I’m also telling everyone how Lukas wants to go to Toronto early, expecting to get Bono and Larry's autograph. Perhaps, hoping to catch them at their hotel or arriving at the Rogers Centre for a sound check. Of course, I know that the chances of this happening are slim to none and quickly realize my conundrum of not wanting to disappoint my son yet obviously realizing Lukas’ potential let-down of not getting those autographs looms statistically large.

    Everyone wished me good luck and Lukas and I departed for the Toronto U2 shows Wednesday morning (September 16th) for the next three days. Needless to say we didn’t see Bono or the band at the Toronto hotel or at the Rogers Centre for their sound check. By this time I believe Lukas was beginning to realise just how lucky we really were in Chicago and that the chances of “running” into U2 again just wasn’t going to happen. Now, having been already to three U2 shows in the past week (two in Chicago and the first Toronto show) Lukas and I decided to watch this show from The Edge’s side of the stage. Just for a different perspective. Well, this was the best decision we ever made. It was during The Unforgettable Fire that Bono made his way over to where we were standing watching the show. It was towards the end of this song that Bono crossed over one of the bridges connecting the main stage to the circular outer stage; right above us. I already had Lukas on my shoulder to get a better view of what was happening when Bono and I made eye contact. He then gestured to me to rise Lukas up and that was exactly what I did. Bono took Lukas’ hand and pulled him up onto the bridge. Bono gave him a high five, asked him how he was doing and what his name was. They then walked onto the outer stage and the band began to play City of Blinding Lights. Lukas spent the next several minutes running around the outer stage with Bono as the band played. Bono sang to him and the audience of 60,000 plus cheered them on. Bono even let little Lukas try on his sunglasses! We thought Chicago was the pinnacle U2 moment and then this happens. Truly an incredible experience!!!

    Lukas still doesn’t have Larry’s autograph however

    wow, thats awesome. Its a dream come true for every U2 fan....
  7. Originally posted by stj0691:Elevation.

    Didn't the band think that this would be their last tour? The first two legs featured what seems to be the best version of the Fly, and many other great songs. Probably the most emotional tour as well. I would like to argue that when music is backed by personal emotion, it adds so much more to a performance. It's those kind of shows that to me, are really something.

    To my critics, you can argue that I was never really a huge fan of the Vertigo Tour. Great tour, great sets, but Bono's vocals just never did it for me. As for 360, I feel the same way, the only difference between the two being that Bono's vocals got raspier.

    I completely agree with you. Even though I haven't had the chance to see either of the tours live, I still think that Elevation was the best, due to the emotional atmosphere, + my favorite songs were played then+Elevation tour was the first time I realized who U2 was. ( I know....where was I?)

  8. Originally posted by katallie:[..]

    I completely agree with you. Even though I haven't had the chance to see either of the tours live, I still think that Elevation was the best, due to the emotional atmosphere, + my favorite songs were played then+Elevation tour was the first time I realized who U2 was. ( I know....where was I?)


    Edit: By the u2 360° Tour are a few songs reduced (Mysterious Ways for example). No guitar solo from Edge. At the Beginning of the Tour "Streets" was also reduced (the guitar-intro ). "Pride" was short as on the Single . I dont't like the Remix of "Crazy" , the original is much better. I miss all Songs from POP-Album. "Miami" would be great!
  9. Its a tough call, theres good memories from the three tours. But Im gonna go for the 360 Tour. A large part due to the album it was promoting, easily the best of the three. I listened to ATYCLB again recently and realised its a contender for my least favorite U2 album. But anyway, focusing on the tours themselves.

    Elevation was quite intimate, which was nice. But some of the shows (especially the Boston DVD release) weren't up to scratch at all, and I felt the midway acoustic part of the set slowed the show down a bit. Seeing Edge throw his guitar across the stage though was ace.

    The Vertigo Tour was far too political. How many more songs could have been played if we werent subjected to Bonos rants during SBS, Pride, and Streets?????? I attended my first U2 show during this tour though so I dont wanna be too negative.

    Elevation tour and Vertigo Tour= 2 new songs opened for the most part
    360= at least 3

    I think this shows that the band were most confident with new material for this tour. It's great hearing I Will Follow or whatever to begin with dont get me wrong, but at this stage of their career, U2 dont have to do much else do they?? What I mean is that they could have came out and belted out Beautiful Day and One etc etc from the off, but the 3 or 4 new songs show that they still have that desire to make great music, and believe me NLOTH is a fucking great album, sod off critics!! Anyway back on topic after that rant.

    The stage kicks serious ass. I know only the music should matter but when I walked onto the pitch at Croke Park and seen this stage I was absolutely amazed to the point of nearly shitting myself.

    The opening. Kingdom is a fantastic tune and having Larry kick off the show is class due to the fact that this is the guy responsible for this band after all. Staying with Larry, seeing him run about the stage and actually smiling is quite a sight.

    Best setlists in my opinion. The intro to Beautiful Day. Class. Unknown Caller- a great song made even better live. And lest we forget ULTRAVIOLET.

    So all in all 360 reigns supreme for me.
  10. I must say that Vertigo takes the cake for me. The best setlist diversity prob ever. Yes it was great to see them rehearse and include UV anf TUF, yes it was exciting to hear ES and yes the claw is unreal but to me the tour got worse over time n that shouldn't happen. ES disappeared and TUF got duller every night. I lOve ATYCLB but enough already. At this Point BD should be the only regular for obvious reasons. I would vote 360 as the worst of the 3. Elevation is a close second fir the pure emotion especially the third leg. Don't get me wrong I had a blast at the 2 shows I seen on the 360 tour but the setlist became boring fast. Just my opinion of course
  11. 360 for the voice and stage and the resurrection of some golden songs. Elevation for the intimacy and Vertigo for the setlists.