1. greetings,

    I am able to download both parts of 7-27-09 of part 2 of concert. but i can only extract part 1. Ive had this problem with other concerts but i really want the dublin show. i can extract other shows so i know im doint something right but what am i missing??

    Thanks for any help,
  2. you have to extract all of them together, not one after another. if it still doesn't work, maybe download part2 again and try extracting once again
  3. If you are d/l the bootlegs here, you have to make sure that you d/l them both from either the mediafire or the rapidshare upload.
    Thus not the 'part1'file from the one host and the 'part2' from the other host.

    Indeed you need both files to extract the complete concert...but they use different files for
    the different uploads...

    I hope it's all clear ...