1. Our Twitter feed was popular that day, much anticipation.
  2. Originally posted by germcevoy:My pasty white ass baking in the heat. The heat really did ruin my day. I was ill prepared for it and literally near sun stroked by the time I left the stadium.


    and the after shot :


    Too strange.. You'll always just be Larry with a mic to me haha
  3. Worst video ever to make 100,000 views. First 360 tour video on youtube though I guess so cool none the less.

  4. Everything regarding Bercelona was so big and epic that still gives me shivers. The show wasn't the best, the band weren't in top form, the songs hadn't evolved yet... but it all was so special, so unique... and U2start were at the top of the game. Great times.
  5. Originally posted by LikeASong:Everything regarding Bercelona was so big and epic that still gives me shivers. The show wasn't the best, the band weren't in top form, the songs hadn't evolved yet... but it all was so special, so unique... and U2start were at the top of the game. Great times.

    like every premiere
    not the best for what you mention but something wonderful unforgettable to live and take in the heart lifelong
  6. That video gives me chills, Ger, just imagining it all. Kingdom always makes my heart drop too; I'll never forget those final moment of anticipation in Chicago for my first U2 show, completely uncertain as to what was about to happen.
  7. Oooh Ultraviolet. You soo pretty.
  8. Originally posted by germcevoyOooh Ultraviolet. You soo pretty.

    I cried.

  9. I did, too, but don't tell anyone, it's a secret

    and blimey you weren't far away from me that night, you know that... I was just around the corner on Adam's side small world, the U2 universe