1. Were on a fuckin roll.

    We gotta get outta this place, if its the last thing we ever do.
  2. Originally posted by wtshnnfb01Were on a fuckin roll.

    We gotta get outta this place, if its the last thing we ever do.

    It's like a drug; once you used it, you can't quit with it.
    It takes you prison and you shall listen U2 the rest of your life
  3. Originally posted by markp91[..]

    Who goes in will never leave this place alive...


    LOL good one
  4. Originally posted by MacStripey[..]

    LOL good one

    That guy will never return to this site; he's been bullied away
    (Is that good english?)
  5. Originally posted by wtshnnfb01You can check out any time you like but you can nnever leave.

    HA HA HA HA!!

  6. Who goes in will never leave this place alive...


    Not to be an ass, but, your evil laugh is wrong. Its MWA HA HA HA HA!!! Your's is WHA.
  7. How did I manage to screw up the quote? Whatever, I figured it out.
  8. No one ever leaves U2 start...(alive that is)
  9. This is still one of the greatest topics on the forums...
  10. Originally posted by U2Nick
    Who goes in will never leave this place alive...


    Not to be an ass, but, your evil laugh is wrong. Its MWA HA HA HA HA!!! Your's is WHA.

    Oh yeah, I knew I was doing something wrong but I didn't know what.
    Thanks anyway.
    Ah, that sounds way better
  11. Guys...I just stumbled into this topic again...Good old times...my first online bully

    The guy hasn't been online for very long....
  12. Odd post. I always find it interesting when someone goes on a forum to announce they are leaving. This guy didn't do it in anger or whatever... but I've seen a few over time... Especially in the old days on Wire (ack!!!)...

    Why would one feel the need to go on a sight, in anger, to announce they were leaving and why? Seems a bit self-serving and sad.

    Oh well.