1. I’m tuned in to whatever this is going to be. Currently hearing Breathe.
  2. This seems to be just recycled interviews. I’m out.
  3. Will the whole show be available to listen to after the broadcast for those who may have missed out?
  4. Just got an amazon exclusive live performance recording of WOWOY from Boston June 25th this year
  5. I think its from 2015 they said?
  6. to be fair you could be right. This doesn't sound like the JTT version
  7. Just give me a high quality soundboard of Exit and this is worth it....
  8. No its 2017 been available on u2.com for the past 2 months, its the live b:side from the u2.com subscribers joshua tree singles.
  9. Speaking of those, when are those vinyls going to be shipped out?
  10. Just tuned in!
    This will be very interesting... I am hoping for like a Pearl Jam Siruis XM radio esque type of thing
  11. Just tuned in during SUC. The sound quality is pretty atrocious - is that on my end or is that the broadcast itself?