2015-11-28 - Dublin
Tour: Innocence and Experience tour
Songs played: 28
Audio recordings: 2
Videos: 1
  1. Spoiler (click to toggle)
    The Zooropa segue into Streets has grown on me. Just a question, do you prefer with what we have or do you want them to go into a full band performance for the outro as the segue into Streets?
  2. Please, no spoilers. We have a topic for setlist discussion here.
  3. Sorry can you remove this post, stupidly put it in the wrong one
  4. It's a shame that the tour is looking increasingly unlikely to come to Dublin, atleast on this leg.
  5. If they don't play Dublin in 2015 it will mean they will have not played a Dublin gig in over SIX YEARS.

  6. Interesting. Belfast has the venue for it but can they make it happen?
  7. Is the Oddesy big enough ? Strangely I've been there 3 times but haven't been in the 3 Arena since it was the point
  8. I still think it's a fucking disgrace that that can't organise some kind of a gig in Ireland & listening to Bono talking about Dublin every night is starting to bug me now !!
  9. Ironic that the only major touring band not doing a gig in Dublin is U2
  10. Hmmm time to consider a sign for my GA shows !!