2015-05-15 - Vancouver
Тур: Innocence and Experience tour
Песен исполнено: 26
аудиозаписи: 6
Видео: 1
  1. Almost there, guys

  2. last rehearsal... they just finished the first part with....

    1. The Miracle
    2. Out Of Control
    3. Vertigo
    4. I Will Follow
    5. Iris
    6. Cedarwood Road
    7. Song For Someone
    8. Sunday Bloody Sunday
    9. Raised By Wolves
    10. Until The End Of The World (with an unidentified outro)
  3. oh ok bro!!!
  4. Exciting to see that our countdown is changing to hours now It will do minutes in the last hour
  5. They will also use it for the EPK, the tour press kit.

    Which reminds me of the fact that I'm in the EPK of the 360 tour, shot in the Barcelona queue. Gosh, long time ago, good times!
  6. Originally posted by Remy:They will also use it for the EPK, the tour press kit.

    Which reminds me of the fact that I'm in the EPK of the 360 tour, shot in the Barcelona queue. Gosh, long time ago, good times!
    Same here. Although it was a blink and you'll miss it moment.