1989-11-25 - Tokyo
Turnê: Lovetown
Músicas tocadas: 19
Gravações de áudio: 5
Vídeos: 1
  1. To listen back to this liveshow, go to our Mixlr showreel: https://mixlr.com/u2start/showreel/liveshow-lovetown-tokyo


    We will gather with U2 fans around the world to listen again "live" via Mixlr to an amazing show. This time we will listen to one of U2's great hidden gems from the Lovetown tour: Tokyo, Japan from 25 November 1989.

    ⭐⭐⭐⭐ This show is rated with 4,5 stars, with reviews praising the show: "highly recommended show with great sound", the sound: "A very strong and energetic concert. Maybe the best bootleg of the first leg" and the setlist: "With Or Without You appears on the 5th place on the setlist, that's rare!"

    This show will be broadcasted on Saturday, 6 June. The broadcast will start at 12:00 PM GMT time on this page, which equals to:

    - 05:00 AM US Pacific Time
    - 08:00 AM US East Coast
    - 13:00 London time (UK/Portugal)
    - 14:00 Central European Time (Netherlands/France/Spain/Italy/Germany)
    - 21:00 Tokyo
    - 22:00 Sydney

    What U2start live show is all about and how it works can you read here:

    Basically, at the time of the show, come here in this thread and press play to listen via our Mixlr to this epic show.

    We hope you will participate, mark it in your agenda already to make sure you will be there to make this a nice throwback into time, broadcasting shows into fans' homes
  2. I know that our original plan was to run Vancouver but we have postponed that one until a bit later, worth the wait
  3. My favourite Lovetown show
  4. A true hidden gem.
  5. Thanks for yesterdays
  6. I'll have to check the infographic timeline of Edge's hairline.
  7. Surely the earliest WOWY? I know it was done 6th once and 7th once, as well as 8th a couple times before TJT17 where it was 7th/8th (and a couple 6ths)....
  8. Are we all ready? 20 mins
  9. Live we are!